𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕴𝖁 |† 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕶𝖔𝖎 𝕻𝖔𝖓𝖉 †|

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Obito's pov~

"Who was that guy?" Nariko's voice sounded strange from outside of the vase that had qickly become a nuisance. "He was very rude..."

I heard Minato-san sigh. "Nevermind that. First we need to figure out how to get Obito out..."


I growled, grabbing the vase, trying to tug it off. But it was no use; the stupid thing was stuck fast, the weight of it growing on my neck.

"We could saw it off.." Nariko suggested. "The vase, I mean..not his neck."

The hell?!

"I don't care how you do it, just get it off!" I wailed, tugging at the vase.

"Hmm.." Minato thought a moment. "It's fine, I his head can get in, it can get out. It just needs a little help.."

In the end, the vase did come off, with the help of some sesame oil and a little bit of tugging. It was a relief not to have the horrible thing stuck on my head, but the smell of the sesame oil made me feel nauseated. I didn't particularly like smelling like tofu marinade.

Nariko wrinkled her nose. "You smell like dinner.."

"Aw, shut up.." I grumbled.

Minato laughed. I promptly ignored him.

"It's not funny." Nariko rolled her eyes. "Back to the point, who was that ugly man?"

"That man was very important." Minato's face immediately turned somber, the normal light in his eyes dulling considerably. "Fugaku Uchiha is clan leader of the Uchiha clan and head of the Konaha police. He's very easily offended, and not one to be trifled with." The blonde sighed. "He was here to speak to me about security matters with the whole war situation, that is until you two caused a scene.."

"It was my fault." I answered immediately before Nariko could say anything. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"I don't think either of you were. But it's okay....Fugaku is a stick-in-the mud." The blonde shrugged. "And anyway, Obito, I'm not going to scold you for something that was an accident. You're already in a heap of trouble as it is..."

I nodded sadly. Minato was already well aware of the Uchiha clan's harsh disciplinary practices against the fools, the weak, and anybody who just got in the way. And that was me; the class clown who always got in trouble mainly cause I'm clumsy. Even when I'd try to help it always ended in disaster.

"What do you mean?" Nariko's amber eyes grew rounder, curiosity burning in her gaze. "Is Obito-kun gonna get pounded?!"

The Namikaze shook his head. "No...much worse. I might as well tell you the truth. Fugaku-san is not as forgiving as most. He'll do whatever it takes to show that he is the dominate leader of the Uchiha. Its just how they are."

"Yup." I sighed rubbing at my sore neck. "It's all about the strength of the clan, the strength of our ocular jutsu, blah blah blah...never about us as human beings..." A growl sounded in my throat. "Always as stupid tools that are only really part of the clan if you can be used for power."


I felt a hand on mine, Nariko-chan's tiny fingers closing around mine.

"You're not a tool." Her face was set, burning with fierce determination. "And so what if Fu–jerk–u is a loser?! It doesn't mean that you're useless!"

I almost wanted to tell her. To spill everything that I'd kept so carefully bottled up inside for what felt like a million years. But the words couldn't  come to my lips, my throat closing up. She couldn't know the truth...she had enough on her mind already.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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