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a = affection (how affectionate are they?)

khvsjhefhjmvfeh CLINGY- in public holding hands and giving you kisses on the cheeks/forehand private kjqbjhrgfwkrqjf holding onto A LOT waits for you outside da bathroom, CUDDLES ♡♡♡

b = best friend (how would they be as a friend)

he would just be rocky...

c = cuddles (do they cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT? YESSS- big spoon 100% of the time unless you want it

d = domestic (do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning?)

cleans pretty well DON'T LET HIM COOK UNLESS WE HEISTING. he would burn the house down cuz he forgot what he was doing, saw fire and went crazy

e = ending (if they had to break how would they do it?)

leave you a lil note saying he wants to break up, write your reply on it and we can talk then

f = fiance (how quick are they to commit?)

...i haven't thought of that (oops) so ig skip

g = gentle (how gentle are they? both physically and emotionally)

physically very gentle boy, emotionally he'll tell you what you need to hear when the time is right

h = hugs (do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)

aaaa so much detail- rocky highly enjoys hugs. hugs VERY very often and for what there like...like the sun gently hitting your face in the morning since you let the certain open even so slightly

i = i love you (how fast are they to say the l-word?)

speed- very fast

j = jealousy (how jealous do they get?)

hehehe... 😈 rocky gets very jelly very quick and won't hide that you belong to him

k = kisses (how are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?)

again, THE DETAIL. don't worry! my adhd will get me through. soft pecks on the forehead and cheeks, a lil more passionate in private. enjoys kisses on the lips and hand

l = little ones (how are they around kids?)

...if we learned anything from the comic it's that rocky can't be trusted around children 

m = morning (how are your mornings spent?)

rocky softly kissing you awake then a short cuddle session

n = nights (how are the nights spent?)


o = open (how open are they?)

a bit kept to himself but he'll tell you somethings...

p = patience (how patient are they?)

very patient boi

q = quizzes (how much do they remember about you?)

he writes poems about you. POEMS. of course he would remember everything about you

r = remember (what's their favorite moment with you?)

your first kiss ♡

s = security (how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?)

god the detail- i don't think adhd gon' pull through monarchs. ok, he'd let you go out alone morning afternoon, and evening, night he'll HAVE to go w/ you. kisses make him feel safe! ♡

t = try (how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

(this is making me wish rocky was real-) depends really (anniversaries have the most effort put into them)

u = ugly (what are some of their bad habits?)

can get lil too jelly at times but always feels sorry afterwards

v = vanity (how concerned are they w/ their looks?)

not too overly concerned cuz let's be honest- rocky is already perfect

w = whole (would they feel incomplete without you?)

of course! he'd be lonely without you (i mean he has freckle but like-)

x = xtra (random hc)

*in a british accent* WE ALMOST THERE MONARCHS. JUST A BIT FURTHER. *non brit* very supportive! REALLY hates it when you beat yourself up and really great at comforting ♡

y = yuck (what's are somethings they wouldn't like, in gen or in a partner)

when you leave without telling him, he'd get a lil upset

z = zzz (what are some of their sleeping habits?)

hmmm...oh! if you were to wake up before him he'd still be sleeping very cutely ♡♡♡

word count: 666

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