Chapter Thirteen

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Sebastian Sallow was angry.

And angry was probably an understatement

For the past five days, he had watched Leander Prewett constantly make flirty banter with Astoria like it was nothing. Even when Ominis and Sebastian were in the room, it was shameless flirty banter constantly. Whether it was random comments, random touches, and or otherwise but whatever it was, it was making Sebastian furious.

Although he would never say anything, especially with Ominis around. He just sat there glaring at Prewett, who didn't have enough mind to even look at him. And since Astoria was focused on the map, and Ominis couldn't see, Sebastian would glare at him for what felt like hours on end.

He wanted nothing but to march over there and rip Leander's hands off.

Of course, Leander wasn't crossing any boundaries, he wasn't a bad guy. But Sebastian's feelings and jealousy were getting the better of him and in that moment, Leander was the worst guy in the room. To be completely honest, Sebastian needed to chill out, but of course, we all know that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

He had spent the past five days trying to burn time, staying away from Astoria and Leander just to control his temper. Most of it was spent outside dueling with Ominis to give the both of them opportunities to brush up on some of their dueling skills. And right now, they were both doing just that outside of the study.

"Confringo!" Sebastian shouted, his wand pointed at his friend a few yards away. Ominis quickly used Protego and then shot Confringo right back at Sebastian, who let it completely space his mind to cast Protego and barely missed the spell by an inch, hitting the dirt ground with a large "THUD!" in order to dodge it.

Ominis heard the thud and his wand was down in an instant. "Sebastian, are you okay?" He asked, his wand went forward so that he could run over and sense where Sebastian was. "I didn't hit you, did I?" His voice was a bit panicked.

Sebastian let out a groan, propping himself up on his elbows. His white button-up was now covered in dirt, not to mention sweat from being outside in the heat. "No, you didn't hit me, I'm fine." He sighed, sitting up. "I just got distracted, I wasn't paying attention." At least he was being honest.

Ominis helped Sebastian up, patting him on the back. "What on earth were you more focused on than a giant explosion hurling at you?" He joked.

"Nothing," Sebastian muttered, shaking his head. "The heat out here is a nuisance though." He sighed, unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt, Ominis did the same a few moments later, running a hand through his damp blond hair.

"I'll agree with that one." Ominis chuckled lightly. "It's made it a bit harder to endure dueling out here."

Sebastian agreed, but that wasn't the only reason why he was having a hard time paying attention to dueling. His eyes were fixed on the window of the study, seeing Leander and Astoria sitting at one of the tables, their fingers tracing over some of the maps, marking things down. He was completely transfixed and Ominis noticed his silence.

"Sebastian?" He asked, snapping Sebastian out of his trance. "For someone constantly so loud, you are being awfully quiet."

"Hm?" Sebastian asked, turning to face Ominis. "Oh... I was just staring off into space. Caught in thought, I guess." He laughed it off and Ominis seemed to believe him. He let out a sharp sigh and kept his gaze from returning to the window of the study. He knew he should be focusing on– well, literally anything else but that, but to him, it was so hard to just let go and not care.

"We should go get cleaned up," Ominis said. "Especially you, I doubt that fall kept your shirt white." He chuckled. Sebastian laughed along, nodding his head and then the two headed inside, feeling extremely relieved when they felt the cool air of the Study hit them.

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