04 - Fighter Pilot Can't Fight

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The LaRussos not only gave me the mechanic job, but the trade-in car I repaired. I had to ask Xalvador first, because we'll have to pay insurance, but Mr LaRusso said after I work on fifteen cars, he'll help subsidize it a little. Xal agreed, thankfully. I love the car. I completely cleaned it out and put my favorite air freshener in it. I love it.

"Got another anti-bullying speech at school," I say to no one in particular, but I'm facing the Poe Dameron poster hanging up above my desk, "I don't really know why they keep giving them if they're not gonna actually do anything to stop the bullies. They don't do shit outside of preach at us. Just like in- ay, cómo se dice... King Henry VIII- 'talking isn't doing. It is a kind of good deed to say well; and yet words are not deeds'. I've been getting bullied since I got here and what have they done?"



"Xiomara! Dinner!" Xalvador calls. I jump up from my chair, startled. I walk out into the kitchen. ¡Ave María! Boeuf Bourguignon! I love this almost as much as I love arroz con habichuelas! Is today some sort of special occasion? I don't think it is... I always cook dinner, what's going on?

"What's the occasion? I was gonna cook," I ask. He shrugs.

"Just wanted to take some pressure off you,"


"Because you've been doing a lot lately. You talk to your poster when you're stressed, and I've heard you a lot,"

"I'm always stressed though,"

"Point proven," he says as we sit down at the table, "and who's been bullying you?"

My face goes hot. Who does he think?

"Nobody new... same people as always... it's fine, I can stand up for myself," I say. In reality, I'm really bad at standing up for myself, mainly because standing up for myself usually ends in humiliation or a punch to the stomach.

"So if I go through your backpack, I won't find some asshole's schoolwork?" he asks. Maldita, Xalvador... he's right... I've got Kyler's math homework right now... I finished it while they were giving the anti-bulling speech at school, but didn't have a chance to give it to him. I just hang my head and avoid eye contact.

"Ay caramba, Xio..." he says quietly to himself. My heart twinges with pain. I know... he doesn't think I don't say the same thing to myself every time this happens? Ay caramba, Xio...

"Still going as Poe Dameron for the Halloween dance?"

"I'm not going," I say, shaking my head. He looks up at me sharply.

"What do you mean you're not going?" he asks. He always goes to school dances and events. He loves things like that. I think they'd be more fun if I- you know- had friends.

"I don't have anybody to go with,"

"You'll be with me,"

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