28 - Who Did It

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I'm still a little shaken after- y'know- breaking up with my first ever boyfriend last night, and I really don't want to have an early morning run-in, so I got up early and came to Miyagi-Do to get in some extra training and also just to give myself a little time before I have to face Robby again. It's a win-win plan.

As I park in the front like usual, I notice that the Miyagi-Do sign just outside the front lot looks... different... but as I walk into the dojo, the sign becomes the least of my worries. Ay. Dios. Mio.

I drop my bag to the ground in shock. It's a mess in here... shelves knocked over... things off the walls... screen of the doors torn... doors off the hinges... through one of the broken doors I can see into the back yard. Holy shit... this wasn't just an accident... this wasn't a crazy windstorm or a raccoon... I hastily retrieve my phone from my bag, calling Mr LaRusso as quickly as I can. If heart beats were fireworks, it would be a whole Fourth of July show in my chest right now. It rings for what feels like too long. C'mon... please pick up...

"Renée? It's early, what's going on?" Mr LaRusso asks, voice groggy. I feel bad that I probably woke him up, but he'll want to know about this.

"I'm at the dojo. You need to get here right now," I say, continuing out towards the back. Who could've possibly done this? And why?

"I'll be there at the regular time, I promise," he says. No... he needs to see this. I turn to my left as something catches my eye. Then my heart and stomach sink. On the wall in bright red spray paint, the word 'Viper' is crossed out, the word 'traitor' just above it. If I didn't come to the conclusion myself, this is damning evidence. Cobra Kai was here. And they wrecked our dojo.

"I really think you should get here as soon as you can," I say, trying to keep my breathing and voice steady even as tears invade my eyes and throat, "Cobra Kai was here."

Not only do I know that Cobra Kai was behind the vandalism, I know that Eli was behind at least some of it. He was the one who called me Viper the most. And he's also the one who's called me a traitor the most. They also spray painted 'Cobra Kai never dies!!' on the side of Mr LaRusso's pretty yellow car. Mr LaRusso got in the car, and drove off about five seconds ago. Sam, Robby, and I stand in shocked silence. And awkward silence, if you're me.

"Where is he going?" Sam asks. Isn't it obvious?

"Same place I'm going," I say, retrieving my keys from my bag, "I'll be back."

Both of them call after me. I'm not stopping. I know where Mr LaRusso is going. And I intend to either stop him from doing something stupid, or to do the same stupid thing myself.

I pull up to the Cobra Kai dojo, parking in the same place I always did. I haven't been back here since before the All Valley... I don't care if they're having class and I'm interrupting. They interrupted Miyagi-Do's practice by wrecking our damn dojo. When I get to the door, I try to open it, ignoring my shaking hands, but find it locked. Mr LaRusso must've already barged in, so Mr Lawrence locked the door. Smart of him, honestly. Luckily, I have a key. The door being locked is just a minor obstacle in my way right now. Once getting the door unlocked, I walk in. All eyes immediately turn to me, which makes my heart face even faster than it was before, but I try to push past it. I'm so sick and tired of being hurt and just taking it. I'm tired of being quiet. I'm tired of Cobra Kai.

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