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"Morning. Sleep well?"

She beamed at Goro when he lazily opened his eyes about an hour later. She was perched on one of the barstools, waiting for her tea. The way his face slowly lit up relaxed the little nervous knot on her insides. He uncurled, rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Good morning." His eyes fully opened and he looked around, sniffing air. "Do I smell something... not made of plastic?"

V chuckled at the adorable disbelief in his voice.

"I hope so. Get ready and you can give it a go."

When he emerged, all fresh and smashing, hair up in a bun, he headed straight for the kitchenette and stuck his nose in one of the soup pots. He moaned, hunger apparent on his face, but put it back down and went for the coffee mug.

"How does the Night City swill smell so delicious?" He grunted in suspicion. "What sort of trick is this?"

V snickered and shrugged, pouring tea into her cup.

"The beans came with the apartment, actually. Might not be exactly fresh, but they seemed like the real deal."

Goro's eyes widened as he cautiously tasted the coffee. Then he closed them in an expression of ecstasy.

"Oh, V. This is delicious. I almost forgot what the good stuff tastes like."

"I'm glad you enjoy it," she smiled, sipping on her tea.

His eyes were full of soft adoration when he looked at her.

"You surprised me with the breakfast so much I forgot to greet you," he said quietly, taking her hand and kissing her knuckles. V, staggered by that move, giggled and blushed, not sure what else to do with herself. He smiled wryly. "It is a lovely gesture. And I am hungry."

"I figured," she peeped, gently freeing her hand and retreating back to her cup. "So, let's dive in?"

He nodded and joined her at the counter. They were sitting, looking out the windows, sipping on their beverages and enjoying the comfortable silence the way they had on the rooftop that day.

Next were vegetable soup and rice cakes V ordered from a more high-end place than where she was usually getting her meals. Goro grimaced a little at first, but he scoffed his portion down like a starving man. He probably really was one.

"That was... edible," he conceded. "Did you go to much trouble to get it?"

"No, I just had to pick the right thing. I know you don't like synthetic meat, so... I went for something that was most likely made from organically grown stuff. It was pricey, but I'm loving it, so I don't care."

He cast her a puppy look.

"I appreciate this very much, V. It is as welcome as it is unexpected. And when I'm able again, I will take you out for a meal of your life. Thank you."

"I just," she jerked her shoulders in self-defense against the praise, "wanted to make you feel better."

He smiled. "I feel great after last night."

"That's good," she grinned. "But... I kept thinking what it must be like for you. I imagine it can't be easy. And since I'm partially responsible, I thought it wouldn't hurt to give a little something back."

He studied her face for a moment, his expression darkening.

"You say it as if dying because of one mistake of misplaced trust is not difficult," he rasped, his gaze intense. "You were not responsible, just convenient. A 'scapegoat', as you say. I wanted to blame you, but I cannot. The only person you have hurt is yourself."

Broken «Goro Takemura & female V» PART 1 🔞 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now