-Welcome Sullys 2-

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 This is gonna be Ao'nung pov for the welcome of the Jake sully family so enjoy


Ao'nung pov

I heard the horn go off maybe meaning that our Tulkans and people have came. Once I heard it, I instantly ran out of my parents hut but I didn't see no Tulkans or any of my people but what I saw was, I saw 6 ikran with 6 forest people. But what caught my eye was a forest boy riding a green with yellow and brown stripes ikran.

I have never seen this boy before but now I am. Was I falling in love? What is this feeling that I was having? What could it mean?  My heart was beating fast but If I ever fell in love with a boy, my parents, my sister, my people what they think of me, Olo'eykan son falling in love with a boy.

Whatever. I go find my friend Rotxo and we both head to where they landed. We took out time getting there and it felt minutes because we were talking to much. Once we got there I saw the boy that I saw on the ikran.

(Isn't he pretty ain't he 🤭😏Even the picture says it all🥴)

He was prettier than I thought but I don't even like him........right?

They did the "I see you" but me and Rotxo didn't decide to do it back but maybe we should have because me and him made eye contact. I wanted to look at him more longer but he turned maybe he thought it was awkward.

When I saw his tail, I couldn't help it but start laughing. "Look at their tails how could they swim with those!" I said. He turned and looked at me but I kept laughing with Rotxo. He turned back but except looking in the crowd, he looked at his brother then looked at the water.

( hey look at that, I think moto moto likes youuuuuuuuuuuuu~............I like them big, I like them chucky chucky, I like them brown, with something something!)

I saw my sister Tsireya come out of the water. I ignored her and kept laughing at their tails. After she got out she insistently came to me and Rotxo and she smacked my hand away. "Stop it Rotxo, Ao'nung" I looked at her why she wasn't letting me have fun.


"Hey" the kid next to the boy. My sister started to chuckle and my protective brother mode came on. But I calmed down when the boy I saw on the ikran chuckled a little. 

-After sometime-

My father came into the crowd. I guess the man that did the " I see you" to my father is his father. I walked to my dad but also looking at the boy while he was walking closer to my father. Once he had talk with the boy father my mother came into the crowd looking like she was suspicious with them.

(Sorry I'm to lazy to put what they said)

She went around them checking their tails but what got everyone shocked was when she said "They are not real Na'vi." and "They have demon blood!". I was shocked but then the boy father stepped in saying he was one of the sky people before he decided to become a Na'vi because of his wife.

Which could be the mother of the boy that hissed at my mother when she said "My husband was Toruk Maktu. He lead the people to victory from the sky people. " which my mother took it a bit far. "I see Eywa has turned against you."She said. His mother hissed at mine and then my mother hissed at her back.

( Ronal has trust issue like me maybe she could be a Scorpio????)

They stopped. My mother and father exchanged looks to which mother nodded. My father spoke up. "They are newborn taking their first breathe, treat them like our brothers and sisters so they do not suffer the shame of being useless." He said. They thanked them but a girl thanked them rolling her eyes. But before I could say anything my father spoke.

"My eldest son and my daughter will teach the our ways." He said. I spoke up. "Father why m-" I said but before I could finish my line he said " It has been chosen." He said. I didn't want to teach them to exceptionally the jungle boy and his brother because his brother started to flirt with my sister and I almost throw hands with him.

But I had to keep my cool or else my father would be disappointed in me. And exceptionally the jungle boy because I can't even keep my cool when I am around him, I start to blush dark blue and my heart start's to beat faster and louder to which if I am near him he could hear it and ask me if something is wrong.


I eventually stayed quiet because I didn't want to cause problems with my father and me in front of the crowd and the jungle people. Tsireya lead them to their tent but before she did they went to get their stuff off of their ikran because it's their stuff and they are responsible for it.

(That is me when my dad yells at me for why I didn't call him for 5 days🥲 Oh ya my parents are divorced Lucky me😁)

But also the boy when he got his stuff I looked at his long hair, his tail, his face, his eyes. I could say his eyes were............... Majestic like I was sinking into the ocean not able to breathe and he comes and saves me. I couldn't stop looking at his eyes until.........

He turned and looked at me which I turned blue  and I started to walk away. Before tho I heard him say whispering to himself "Why was he looking at my eyes?" I guess he thought he was more quieter but I was still able to hear him. Once I walked away I saw Tsireya leading them to their tent.

I mean I wouldn't call it stalking if I am not following them, I just was walking around to get him out of my head that was all, I didn't want him stuck in my head through out the whole day..........................Right?

( I just scream in my pillow when I still have my crush in my head and Ao'nung wants some kisses form Neteyam😘)


I hope y'all liked the Ao'nung Pov for the welcome. This is my au of what happened when he saw them and heard the horn so don't think that this actually happened in the movie Avatar The Way of Water so ya just telling you just in case if you thought it was in the movie or probably not Idk have a beautiful day see you in the next chapter byeeeeeee.


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