-You need to sit correct forest boy-

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Was making this while listening to Black Out Days


Neteyam POV:

I woke hearing ocean sounds and feeling sand. "SHIT!"I said. I realized that I fell asleep on the beach. I dusted myself off and ran to the family tent. I ran as fast as I can that I almost tripped and feel in the ocean but I was able to hold myself up.

Right when I was able to make it I bump in to someone. Bumping into someone caused me to fall off of the bridge making me fall into the water. I closed my eyes shut my eyes once I felt in the water. I opened them up seeing the coral reef looking pretty.

But when looking around, I hear someone call out my name. I swam up to the surface thinking that maybe it was one of my parents or siblings but no. It was Ao'nung seeing who he bumped into that made them fall in the water.

"Oh sorry Jungle boy." He said. "It's okay just help me up before anyone sees that I'm "Swimming" at 5am in the morning." I said. "Right." He said. He held a helping hand out. I grabbed his hand to pull myself up then swimming all the way to the beach which was 20 miles away.

(Ya it is definitely 20 miles away definitely😅)

"Thanks." I said with a smile. He froze for a second but then said, "No problem but also why were you running?" He said. "I woke on the beach so I must have fell asleep on the beach and realizing that when my parents wake up I'm going to be in trouble especially by my father." I said.

"Oh then you should get going before you get in trouble then." He said. "Yeah thanks for the help."I said. "No problem." He said. I started to run again but waving back. He waved back and I started to run faster than a ikran can fly.


Once I got to the family tent, I started to pant heavily. Once I took a few more breath I entered seeing my........ mother. Her arms were crossed and her tail was swigging rapidly. I knew she was mad at me.

I did the, I see you to her. she did it back. "Where have you been Neteyam." She asked. " I was at the beach." I said nervously. "Do you know why your in trouble?" she said. "Yeah I fell asleep on the beach sorry." I said. "What else happened." She asked

"when coming here, I bumped into someone and fell in the ocean but they helped me up and I thanked them and started running again." I said not telling her who bumped into me. "That's not what I'm talking about." She said. "What happened on the beach at night?" She asked curious.

"I was sitting in the sand listening to the ocean." I said mostly lying. "Who was the boy with you at the beach then?" She said. Did she come looking for me when I left the tent and saw Ao'nung there? 

(Omg no she has powers to look very far away, Yes she did what else)

I simply answered " He was just a boy that came to check on me if something was wrong or not." I said with a smile nervously. "What is his name?" she asked. " Why?" I said. I should have told her bc now my father joined in. "Is she not allowed too?" Father said. 

"I-...." I said. "Oh hey look Me, Lo'ak, Tuk, and Kiri have to go train with Tsakarem kids." I said with a nervous chuckle. I started to walk away to get my younger siblings but than was stop with my father speaking. "Neteyam if something is wrong you can tell us we will be right here." He said. "Thank you sir." I said. "You know how to call me." He said. 

"Thank you dad." I said. Once done I went to get Tuk first bc she is the easiest person to get than Lo'ak or Kiri. "Hey Tuk get ready we are going to the Tsakarem kids so they can teach us their ways." I said with a smile plastered on my face. "Yay I'll get ready!" She said excited. I left the room and went to Kiri's room.

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