-Something is Off Between these 2 morons-

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Translation in the Picture: 

Ao'nung: Would You Marry Me?

Neteyam: Please...Leave Me In Peace

Neteyam Mind: Why Is He Taller Then Before?


Tsireya POV:

So it had almost been night so we  decided to continue this on Thursday. We all gotten out of the water saying good bye to out Ilus. Especially Neteyam. He was very giving it nick names and stuff.

But to be honesty, I also secretly give mine nicknames but never in front of people because there are these random ass girls who can't piss off. There like "oH yOuR cAlLiNg YoUr IlU a NiCkNaMe??"

LIKE FUCK OFF WILL YEAH WHORES!!!!! Anyways, we all said good night to each other before leaving to our families. Ao'nung had said bye to his friends and we started walking home. "Sooo Ao'nung." I said. "Yeah?" He said. "Do you actually think that maybeeeeeeeee......" I took a pause before finishing.

(YEAH FUCK THEM....Wait, we fucking hot bebs😏😏💖💖- IM KIDDING , SOMEONE HAD TO SAY IT😭😭💀💀)

"Neteyam.....is.... Your mate??" I said closing an eye. Sometimes when I say these stuff, he would yell but this time..... This time it was different. When I had asked he was quiet. But I swear with my own to eyes, I saw a hintttttt of blush.

Likeee come on, suree I might be A little blind BUT I promise on my dead grandparents that I saw a tint of blush. " Uh definitely not ahah" he said but started laughing a bit which is weird because he never says that, its more like "WtF hElL nO, i RaThEr bE dEaD tHeN liKe ThEm!!" But whatever.

I was gonna ask if he likes Neteyam because maybe that break his cover, but we had made it home and I know that Ao'nung doesn't like talking about..... These stuff at home. So I just said we'll talk about it tomorrow and we went our separate ways.

(Yall parents homophobic🤔🤔)

I had gotten in my bed ready to sleep. But I wonder, He actually might like Neteyam. But also, every since this boy Lo'ak I think his name was???? Anyways, I found him kinda... Handsome... And also funny not gonna lie.

(dam- you found your love so fast and IM here with used to be 7 people who like me and I only got with one and we broke up and IM happy bc I wasn't ready yet😁)

But anyways I should get some sleep because we have to wake up early for tomorrow. I had closed my eyes and fallen asleep.

--Next Morning

I had woken up at the usually time, I had gotten ready and decided that Ao'nung should sleep in since we didn't teach Neteyam, Kiri, Tuk, and.......Lo'ak💋. 

Anyways, I was meeting up with Kiri today since we both did have alot in common. I was heading to the beach where I was going to meet her. Until Lo'ak had came running yelling my name. "TSIREYA!" I turned around. 

(oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO😏😏😏HE ABT TO GET PUSSY- Okay ill stop-😭😭)

"What is it?" I had asked. "I just wanted to ask um..umm... Will we have to practice today-?" He said, I had these feelings he was asking for smth else.... But I had told no that it is a day off and he had said okay and ran off.


Kiri POV:

I had been waiting at the beach for some minutes for Tsireya, but I also am wondering Lo'ak had went up to her yet and asked about dating or smth. But I kept telling him its to soon since they just met but he keeps saying "ItS lOvE aT fIrSt SiGhT, lIkE sMtH yOu WoUlDn'T kNoW" 

I'm saying, I wanted to PUNCH the living shit out of him, but I just stayed calm and just warned him. A few more minutes passed by and I heard Tsireya voice yell my name. " KIRI!" I turned and saw Tsireya.

"Hey Tsiy" I said, I gave her a nickname for her since her name is kinda long but you know. "Hi Kiri!" She said. I wanted to ask if Lo'ak asked her out but I bet he didn't since he kinda is a pussy when talking to girls her likes.

(And I oop-)

"Kiri I have a question" She said. "What is it?" I said confused. "Do you think.....That Ao'nung and Neteyam were bonding...a little to much? Bc I asked Ao'nung if he liked Neteyam or if he could be his mate since here if you master the Ilu right away....its a chances of being to Olo'eykan mate." She said.

 I had been surprised and but also not even shocked bc Neteyam has been acting weird every since we got here. ESPECIALLY around Ao'nung. But ill have never knew that here if you master the Ilu firs try, then your the mate of the Olo'eykan.

"To be honest, yeah, he's been weird since we got here, especially around Ao'nung." I said. " Yeah.. But either way well find out, and ima keep Questioning Ao'nung until he gives up." She said. I mean she does have the words too it.


Lo'ak POV: 

Kiri was right, It was to soon but I never even told her. I got to cocky to ask her. But either way, I wanna see what Neteyam is doing right now since I haven't seen him since I woken up. I headed to the tent and didn't see him there.

I had looked around and some him at the edge of the beach making the necklaces we usually does when its his time. "Boo!" I said. Turns out he didn't even flinch. "Nice try Lo'ak" he said sarcastically.

(Just like my sisters girlfriend when she never gets scared but one time did and almost punched me😔😔 But she didn't but still😔😔)

"Whatcha doing?" I asked. "Making necklaces for me, Kiri, Tuk, You, Mom, and Dad." He said. "Cool, what have you gotten done so far?" I asked. "Right now I'm workings and Tuk but I have yours and Kiri done." He said. I was gonna speak but he interrupted me. " So, have you asked Tsireya yet?" He said.

 I didn't know what he was talking about until I remember and saw a smirk on his face. " How did you know-?" I said. " I'm your brother, I know everything so don't try and keeps secret from me." He said. Okay now I was scared bc he know abt the me asking Tsireya out and if I even tried keeping other secrets, he would find out right away.

"Whatever bro, but what about you and Ao'nung, huh?" I said bc they have been quiet since yesterday. "What about him?" He asked. " I mean you both have been quiet every since you mastered the Ilu on your first try, AND Tsireya said smth to him and made him blush I think?" I said.

(Yeah Neteyam, yall be having chemistry right? WHO WITH ME?)

"I don't know anything, All I know is that he went silence afterwards." He said. I wanted to know more but I wanted to explore too. "Okay whatever you say, also just before I go, remember, you have to take Tuk on your ilu." I said. "I know but she's still sleeping so when she wakes up I will." He said. "Okay then ill go bye" I said. "Bye" he said.

And off I went to the unknown existence of here and my handsome face.






KISSES AND HUGS💖💖💖💗💗💗💕💕💕💞💞💞💝💝💝

Words: 1232

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