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bro fell back cuz of Neteyam dam

its day to night time in the story 🤪


Neteyam pov:

Once I left the tent I started walking around but I felt uncomfortable bc I felt like millions and millions eyes were on me. I look around seeing that people were looking at me and I felt severely uncomfortable so I just started to walk faster.

( if people were looking at me I would turn around right away)

But eyes were still on me. Once walking through the awkwardness I decided to take a short cut. When walking I bump into someone. "Hey watch where your going!" He said. It sounded like a male voice, I looked up seeing the guy when we landed.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to bump into you, I wasn't looking where I was going." I said. "Next time keep your head up." He said. I was looking down while he was talking. I felt a finger on my chin lifting my head up.

"Look at me when I am talking to you jungle boy." He said looking at me. He looked like he was mad at me. " Jungle boy!? I'm sorry but you can't just give me a nickname that you don't even know who I am and I don't know who you are!" I said standing up. "Also don't try to think I will give you eye contact." I said.

"Oh getting feisty huh, well it is not my problem you bump into me!" He said. "You know what, just get out of my way." I said. I pushed him aside walking away but he grabbed my arm. "Oh no you don't, you need to apologize first before you can go." He said. "Let go of me." I said. 

He wouldn't budge so I kicked him in the leg and ran. "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" he said. I ran and ran looking back to see if he was following me until I fell into the sand rolling down. "god dam it" I said. I got up and started to dust myself off. Once I looked at the water it look beautiful.

( Who wouldn't tho🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)

It was almost dark and my parents could be worried about me but I decided to just stay and sit here before going back. I wanted to admire the ocean. Maybe sometime hour I decided to go back. I was walking before I heard someone yell out "JUNGLE BOY!" I heard them and I saw it was the guy I kicked early but this time he was with 3 other guys. 

I know he was after me after I........kicked him in the leg. But what was I suppose to do he just grabbed me and wouldn't let me go until I apologized but my mother always said that if someone didn't want to budge just kick them and run so thats what I did.

(My mother said to get my trusted knife out and stab there arm and run)

I started to run and they were catching up close. But I am from the jungle so I am much faster then them. I ran with all of my speed back to my families tent. But before I was able to open the tent I was grabbed by one of them.

It was the guy. He covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I was trying so hard to fight back but it didn't work. He took me to where I fell and dropped me. His friends surrounded me. "What do you want!" I said. "Oh just some payback." He said.

(Im sorry what kind of pay back you talking that you deserved??)

I tried to get up and run but one of his friends grabbed my arm and started to hold me by the neck with his knife. "Just let me go." I said. "Not until i get what I want." He said. "Apologize or else." He said. "Or else what, you'll throw me into the ocean or cut my neck and let me choke on my blood!" I said. "Maybe, maybe not." He said with laughter. My stomach sank when he said he is going to maybe throw me into the ocean or cut my throat. My ears went down. "Oh someone is scared." He said and started to laugh at me.

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