Chapter Five

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Riley's POV

It's been about a week since I hit Brooke in the head with a soccer ball. I ended up driving her to school the next day like I was suppose to. It was awkward at first, but then she ended up singing to all of the songs on the radio with the volume almost all the way up. I couldn't hear for a good hour after that.

Since that day, we've hung out in almost every class we had together, and we kept practicing soccer during our free period together. This week was the week of soccer tryouts, so we only had Monday to practice. Today was Tuesday, and the first out of four days.

All the girls in my P.E class were in the locker room changing for the class. Being me, I was just minding my own business, putting on my running shoes. I'm always one of the first girls to finish changing, these girls took like 20 minutes.

"Ew, the lesbians look at me while I'm changing. She's practically eye f-cking me right now."

That would be the b-tch of the school talking about me. Most of the school already knows I'm gay, which I have no problem with, I'm open about it. I'm also used to girls over exaggerating about me 'looking at them'.

I didn't know if I wanted to say anything or not, but before I could figure out whether or not to, someone else did for me.

"Tiffany, if you don't shut the f-ck up about Riley being gay, I'm going to shove my foot so far up your ass you're going to be cough up my shoe laces." Damn Brooke, didn't know you were that feisty.

"I didn't know you were a lezbo Brooke, maybe you and Riley could be f-ck buddies." With that I stood up and started walking towards her, I may or may not have a bad temper. Stuff like this has happened a couple times this week, but Tiffany never went that far.

"If you say one more stupid remark saying Brooke is lesbian, you're gonna lose all those pretty teeth and you're not gonna be able to talk anymore sh-t."

"Oh look at little Riley defending her girlfriend." She's so dead. I balled my hand into a fist ready to punch the daylight out of her, but Brooke must have saw, and grabbed my arm dragging me out of the locker room.I got the chills when she touched me, but I didn't think she noticed.

"Riley, you really need to control your anger, you're going to get in trouble one of these days."

"It's not my fault! She gets on my nerves!" I yelled at her while we were walking to the football field. Today we were playing flag football, and Tiffany was definitely going to get it.

Two different games were going on, the one with all boys, then the one with all girls. Luckily, Tiffany was on the other team, but sadly, so was Brooke. Guess I'll have to get both of them.

The game started off fine, I was really the only one on my team working hard, I always ran the ball. We just counted each touchdown as one point, so the girls wouldn't get confused.

About 15 minutes into the game it was 3-2, my team winning. I was just about to make another touchdown, when someone tackled me to the ground.

"Hey! It's FLAG football! You're suppose to pull my flag you ass!" I hadn't figured out who it was that tackled me, I turned to lay on my back, and to my surprise it was Brooke who tackled me. She was standing up with her hand held out to me, offering to help me up. She giggled as I took her offering and got up.

She didn't let go of my hand right away, instead, she pulled me close, I was only about three inches away from my face. She turned her head and whispered in my ear, "That's payback for hitting me in the face with the ball." I did end up breaking her nose, but it wasn't really bruised anymore. She smirked, and walked away. She was so close, my heart was pounding.

The rest of the game went by fast. My team ended up winning, not a surprise, by 3 points. The game was okay, and I ended up pushing Tiffany down a couple times, which made the game 10x more interesting.

I took my free period next class to work on a bit of soccer, because right after my free period is over, tryouts start.

I already had all of my gear on, and I was taking shots at the goal, about 30 feet out. "I thought I'd find you here." The sweet voiced said.

"You were looking for me?" I smugly said, turning around to face Brooke.

"Don't flatter yourself hun." She chuckled out. She already had her gear on also, so I'm guessing she came out to practice a little bit before practice also.

We mostly just messed around the whole time, I ended up arguing that being a goalie is easy, and she challenged me to see if I could block her shots. And may I add that I lost, terribly. I think I blocked like 4 out of 30. Brooke decided to gloat the whole time before tryouts started.

They were suppose to last an hour and a half, but it was more like 2 hours. I didn't really know anyone else, so if we needed partners, Brooke and I were partners, up until she got pulled away by coaches, for a separate tryout, since she was a goalie, but it sounded like she was already on the team before the tryouts even started.

By the end of the day, most of the girls got to know each other, including me. I've heard a couple of whispers saying, she's so good! She's definitely going to make the team, or I wish I was as good as her! The two coaches even asked me how I got so good, and how long I've been playing. Not to be cocky, but I know I'm good, I just try to not show off, I don't like to be the center of attention.

All of the girls said their goodbyes, and left the field, so it was just Brooke and I.

"How was the rest of tryouts?" She asked me while putting her things in her bag. She left about halfway through tryouts to practice goalie.

"They were fine, the girls are really nice."

"Yeah, I heard a lot of them talking about you, you must have been pretty impressive." She gave me a toothed smile. I just shook my head and laughed.

"Oh but Riley, be careful around Hailey, she's one of the captains from last year, and she'll push anyone down who is in her way of being captain again." I kept quiet and just nodded.

I was almost positive I knew which one Hailey was, she probably was the one giving her dirty looks multiple times. She was the only one on the team that didn't seem to like me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Brooke spoke again, "There's a party this Friday, you going Anderson?" I contemplated whether or not I wanted to go, but it would be good for me to go, maybe meet some more people from the school.

"I guess I'll go."

"Good! Do you drink?

"No, I'm not a big fan."

"Good, I may need a driver, I'll probably have a few too many, and you'll have to save the day." She stared at me, with her eyes twinkling in the setting sunlight. She gave me a light smile.

"Of course, just don't get into trouble, I don't want to babysit you the whole time." I stated jokingly.

"No promises, but I got to go, see ya!" She pulled me into a tight hug, every part of my body that she was touching was screaming. When I snapped out of my daydreaming, she was already gone. God, I'm going crazy.

Authors Note


Nothing really big happened in this chapter, but the next chapter is gonna be big! Lots of things are gonna happen! Thanks for reading! I hope you like it so far, feel free to leave comments about it.

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