Chapter Thirty Two

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Brooke's POV

The first day back. It felt weird, there wasn't so much noise in the hallways. Most people were silent.

Even Tiffany wasn't talking shit about people, or laughing. What surprised me even more is when she walked up to me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize my words could affect someone so much." Tiffany had her followers behind her. They all had the most serious faces.

"Um. Thanks. It's okay." I couldn't tell if she was actually being for real.

"I don't care if you're gay. You like who you like. Em's death made me rethink about a lot of things. I wish I would have apologized. But I can't take back the things I said. I can't take back the things I said to you or Riley either. But just to let you know, I wish I hadn't said those things to you."

Tiffany was really starting to scare me. What is going on?

Before I could say anything, she gave me a light smile and walked away.

Did that really just happen? Tiffany just walked up to me and said... Sorry?

I decided to just believe her. Em's death must have changed her. It still doesn't make up for the terrible things she's done though.

I started to look around for Riley, but she wasn't anywhere in sight. I stopped looking when Sarah walked up to me.

"Hey Brooke. You okay?" Silently nodding I walked over to my locker, hoping she'd follow.

"How are you and Riley?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Well obviously you guys are dating." I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head. No one really knew Riley and I were dating.

She is really observant. "How could you tell?"

"Please, you two are all over each other making googly eyes and drooling on yourselves." I chuckled.

"Okay okay. So maybe it is a little obvious."

"A little? Just because you guys don't hold hands and kiss at school doesn't mean squat. Practically everyone knows at the school. No use of hiding it."

Sarah turned her head to the right. "Speak of the devil. There's Queen of the googly eyes right there."

I quickly turned my head, hoping Sarah wasn't messing with me. She wasn't.

"Hey guys." Riley said when she walked up to us, she sounded a little out of breath.

Sarah and I said hi in unison. The bell rang a couple seconds later.

Riley was probably running late and had to jog into the school, typical.

Nothing was really going on during the day. Most classes we were finishing off learning the last of things. The end of the school year was coming up fast. Only a couple weeks left. Which means finals.

The teachers love to tell us how "next year is going to be a big year and we need to keep working hard" and whatever.

I'm just excited for soccer season. Even though this one isn't over yet. I just have a gut feeling it's going to end this next game. And that's alright. We had a lot of new players, but we bonded a lot. Next years gonna be even better.

Today was Friday, and like every other day, I have to work. It's this little cafe about two blocks away from the high school.

Students love to go there after school, and just my luck I can't get away from these people.

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