Chapter Fifteen

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Brooke's POV

Hold me Down by Halsey was playing loudly around me. I slowly opened my eyes, to see the sun wasn't up yet. I tried to sit up, but there were arms were around my waist. I turned my head around to see a once sleeping, now stirring around Riley.

The music was still playing, Riley's phone was going off. The brunette started to pull her arms away from my stomach we both sat up groggily running our eyes.

Riley grabs her phone from the bedside to see who keeps calling her. "It's my dad."

"Are you going to answer?"

She shook her head, "I'm not ready to talk to him right now."

Checking my phone from the nightstand on my side, it was almost 7, why was her dad up so early? He was drunk last night, I would think he would still be passed out cold.

Riley set her phone down, turning it on silent. She laid onto the bed again, facing me.
"Do you regret what happened last night?"

I thought about it for a while. I didn't regret kissing her. When we kissed, it was like fireworks went off around us, and I know how cheesy that sounds, but that's what it felt like.

"I'm afraid of what everyone will think. Of what my parents will think."

"You don't have to tell them yet, figure things it first.

What did she mean by figure things out? Figure out if I like her? And if she's worth telling everyone about?

"I don't know if I'm ready to tell anybody yet, it's not like we are dating either."

"That's true, just give it some time, you'll know what to do."

I saw as her eyes started closing, sleep did sound good right now, it was too early in the morning to be awake.
About 3 hours later, I woke up. I didn't feel the familiar feeling of arms wrapped around me like I did before, which was somewhat disappointing.

I could smell breakfast, bacon, eggs, and pancakes. My parents love to make breakfast on the weekends.

Riley still wasn't awake, so I tried calling her name. No movement. I lightly shoved her. Little movement, no response.

I had one more idea in mind, I turned my body, to have my feet in front of me, facing her, and I pushed her off the bed with my feet.

There was a loud thump followed by a grumble.

"You asshole, that hurt." She mumbles, still laying on the ground.

I moved over to the edge of the bed, where seconds ago the brunette toppled over. I looked down at her, "there's breakfast, you hungry?"

"Hungry for revenge."

"What?" I couldn't catch what she was saying, since her words were muffled into the carpet.

"Yeah, I'm hungry for some eggs."

I grabbed her leg and started dragging her out of my room. This girl was a lot heavier than you think.

I could only drag her out of my room before I was winded, my arms hurting.

She giggled, still face down on the carpet.

"You're so weak."

"Whatever! I guess you can starve this morning than."

That quickly motivated her to move. She stood up and pushed around me, making me hit the hallway wall.

I've learned that Riley is very grumpy in the mornings. When arriving into the kitchen, Riley already has a plateful of food in front of her.

She really wastes no time does she. I thought to myself.

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