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It was night time we see Big the cat sleeping while fishing until suddenly a alarm woke big up.the lights from a tower turned on but something fast was running towards it and we see some robots prepare to fight what ever or who ever going towards the building .All the weapons from the base was prepared but suddenly Sonic was running the robots started to shoot but sonic with his speed manage to dodge the shots but missiles started to fire and started to hit the ground creating explosions but sonic dodged them Sonic came out of the smoke and a robot started to shoot but sonic jumped on it and jumped on a second one and jumped in the air landing on the ground running dodging the shots . But some Giant robots were turned on and started to move they came out of the ground but Sonic dodged and continued to run but the robots chased sonic.

Sonic was in a tunnel running from a big robot but another one came out of the ground so Sonic ran a tiny door way and he was outside but he accidentally stepped on a spring that has egg man face and was shot up in to the air.


He gets punched by a mech called E-12 Behemoth and was sent flying


But then sonic friends Tails and Amy arrived in the plane called the tornado.


They flew over the base but turrets were firing at the the tornado and one of the them hit the plane Amy yelped. the plane was now on fire.

Amy:Tails! The plane's on fire! What are we gonna do?!

Tails looked at Amy.

Tails:We're gonna save Sonic!

Tails pulled up a lever and the plane fired a missle Sonic was falling but the missle opened up revealing a gold Ring. Sonic and the ring fell but something sparkled then suddenly a blue blur came out from the bottom and in to the air the blue blur was sonic in his super spin dash mode and sonic was heading to the base while smirking. Sonic hits all the robots one by one cutting them like a saw blade and sonic hit the E-12 Behemoth and pushed it backwards hitting another one and Sonic broke through the E-12 Behemoth going through them causing a massive explosion another one hit sonic but he survived and he went up to the air and broke through one of the lights.


Tails was trying to land the plane.

Tails:Hang on, Amy!

But Amy noticed that they were heading for a huge rock and screamed and she and tails were scared

Any:Ahh! We're gonna CRASH!

Tails:I KNOW!

While Tails and Amy brace for the impact, someone punches through and destroys the rock just in time. Tails looks up to see who saved them


Knuckles the echidna was standing a piece of rock he turned away from and turns to the fortress' location to see smoke left by the destruction of Sonic's attack.]


Amy:What's the matter with him?

He sees multiple tiny explosions coming from the fortress

𝙆𝙣𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙨:Overkill. Just like always.

Then they saw a blue blur with red pass by them.


Kunkles:It's faster than sonic

Any:But that's impossible! No one is faster than Sonic than Sonic and Metal Sonic! (yes metal sonic is in the lore)

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