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It gets harder to remember a day we weren't inside these dark cold walls. It's hard to remember the day. The sun.

We had become part of the furniture, each brick, every bar, the shadows. Some moments down here Lionel and I could talk- talk about dreams, about us, about the future- other times we could hardly say a word.

I had not returned to see Zynthesius- the man who wore my father's face. Lionel on the other hand, he liked him. Lionel was keeping the serums down and were feeding him more. Dracyian even had a knight shave his beard off.

Zynthesius wanted to create the strongest warrior and Lionel was slowly beginning to look the part. Only different. I would wake up and find him standing in his cell staring at nothing, unmoving for hours. Nothing I could do or say would bring him back. It was like he was stuck in a trance.
Those green-blue eyes no longer held a glint, they were almost dull. Like the last of his life was being drained from his soul. I knew if we stayed any longer here it would disappear completely.

I would lose Lionel.

I would never let that happen.

Don't give up yet. Lionel had spoken those words to me, what must have been weeks ago. Only Dracyian and the other knights came down to the dungeons and into Lionel's cell to retrieve him or dump him on the ground. Dracyian hadn't stepped inside my cell once. The only exception being a knight who came to empty my waste bucket which wasn't often- and I was strung up on the wall every time.

The serum was making Lionel sick. Even though he was looking healthier he was dying, I could feel it inside of my gut. It churned every time I looked into his eyes. I had to take matters into my own hands now. It was time for me to do something- to save us both. Before it would be too late.

I waited for the right time, I couldn't do it right after Lionel was returned from spending hours up there with Zynthesius and the doctor- he wouldn't have enough strength. Nor before, Lionel would be expected and a no show would stir too much attention too quickly. Food times on the other hand were the perfect opportunities- only when Dracyian was the one delivering, which was rare. The other knights only slid the trays of food under the gap of the cell door and we would slide it back out. They didn't have the key. Dracyian did, tucked in his trouser pocket.

Lionel's head lifted from the ground as the clang of the dungeon door woke him. I sat in the centre of my cell planning every possible outcome in my head.

The dark-skinned Western knight said nothing as he slid the trays under our doors.

"What's your name?" I asked. I had seen this knight come around often, his skin was darker than Michelle's and I noticed his black hair had recently been shaved back. The knight scoffed and slid my tray under the door. "Thank you-"

"Like I'd waste a breath on someone like you." His voice was deep and thick, rich with the Western accent.

"You just did." I forced a sweet smile. The knight looked me down the corner of his lip curling. "What's your name?" I asked again.

"Athena what are?-" Lionel asked from my side as he sat up. His tray of food still by the door.

"What we can't be friendly? He is feeding us." I glanced over at him. Seeing more of Lionel without his long raggedy beard. Lionel's eyes flickered over to the knight standing by my cell door. I looked back too.

"People call me M.J." The knight said down at me. I heard a light scoff come from Lionel and shot him an internal glare.

"Does it stand for anything, M.J?" I asked leaning back on my arms as I sat.

"Yes but I'm not about to tell you. Eat up." M.J jerked his chin down at the trays he had pushed inside our cells then turned to leave. I stood up to my feet moving towards the front of the cells- the chains rattled behind me as they lifted from the ground pulling on my wrists, telling me I couldn't go any further.

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