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I had forgotten all about the outside life, all I knew was him and his body against mine. The heat of our skin until we were both covered in a layer of sweat. The feel of him inside of me, thrusting in and out against my walls creating a raging fire burning inside for hours until we both came undone.

The frozen room I had sat in for months on end, where Lionel slowly recovered had now become our haven. As well as the lounging room and one of my study rooms.

When Lionel wasn't learning to walk again and building his strength he was inside of me, feeling every inch of my body with every part of his.

Eating wasn't a priority anymore, nor was sleep, after our first time in the bath we couldn't stop, we couldn't get enough of each other. Every longing look sent sparks shooting through my body until our clothes where in a heap on the floor and Lionel was thrusting inside of me, clutching onto my hips, my breasts, and devouring my lips.

There wasn't a part on our bodies that we hadn't explored and lavished with love. We had warmed our way through all of winter, taking in each other in a matter of different ways.

The moments when we weren't doing anything sexually, we remained within our own world soaking up each other's company. Memorizing every single detail of our skin, every scar, each freckle that marked our bodies.

It was obvious to others that we had become closer, it all felt like a wild dream, all the moments and experiences we've shared, learning more with each day that passed.

This is what we needed, Lionel was smiling with me more and seemed happier than ever. We were living the life I wanted until we one day died of old age and he knew that.

And then Spring came.

Cole and Sarina were to be married, and Verona would have their new Queen. The kingdoms prosperity was booming and the people living a life without suffering and torment from the war. The Queen was a new hope to look forwards to, watching her grow and create future children for the generations to come. Though, not everyone saw it that way.

It was the biggest celebration we had seen since before the war begun. The wedding of Cole and Sarina was a light the kingdoms people needed. She was their light.

People from all across the North and South had come to celebrate the marriage, even some Ashmore faces joined the festivities.

"It's good to see you! And you're in a dress." Edmund grinned, Lance looked around at the crowd of people that had already gathered in preparation for the big day.

"I still own them all you know." I smiled at him. I was wearing a light blue gown decorated with swirls and curls, and undergarments Tanya forced me into. "Lance, how was your journey?"

"Average, I sat in a carriage with this one for a week." Lance glanced down at me, his eyes flicked over to Lionel who stood a step behind me.

"Meaning the best time of your life. I'd say Arthur sends his regards, but well you know." Edmund smirked, looking back at me he flicked his brows up. I had not forgotten what Lance had planned with Arthur to have me killed during the last battle.

"Nate didn't come?" I asked glancing around at the blur of faces gathering in the gardens.

"No, he and Angus have taken another trip out to sea. They've both barley been home since their marriage." Edmund smiled. "It's good to see you looking better Lionel." He turned his sights on the man half hiding behind me. Lionel wore a three-piece suit and his leather patch covering his missing eye, some of his hair covering the patch. He leaned on a beech cane helping him remained stabilized.

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