Lerairus (Youngest)

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Name: LerairusSpecies: Three-eyed catAge: Somewhat oldGender: FemaleHeight: 9'11Family members: Narinder/The One Who Waits (Father), Leshy (Uncle), Heket (Aunt), Kallamar (Uncle), Shamura (Relative), Vassago (Cousin), Leviathan (Cousin), Balam (Co...

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Name: Lerairus
Species: Three-eyed cat
Age: Somewhat old
Gender: Female
Height: 9'11
Family members: Narinder/The One Who Waits (Father), Leshy (Uncle), Heket (Aunt), Kallamar (Uncle), Shamura (Relative), Vassago (Cousin), Leviathan (Cousin), Balam (Cousin), Haagenti (Cousin)
Crown: The Red Crown (Copy)

Small backstory: After being slaughtered by the Lamb, Narinder's place was given to Lerairus. Lerairus had no care for her Father, as he didn't care for her. The Red Crown was remade by Lerairus and her brothers Baal and Aym.

Fun fact: The hue on the Red Crown's eye is brighter because it is a close to perfect copy of the original.

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