chapter 1

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Jaehaerys Targaryen had purple eyes, was tall and awesome. He was considered wis, fair spoken, open minded and courageous. As a young boy, he was close with his younger sister, Alysanne. Who later became his wife. They shared a deep love and would be always together.
Meanwhile, Alysanne had blue eyes and honey coloured curls. Her small structure contrasted with her husband. While Jaehaerys was the dragonrider of Vermithor, she was the dragonrider of Silverwing.

They ruled together until her death in 100 a.c. They had thirteen children together. Although, only eight passed their infant years.

Princess Daenerys, the eldest daughter, was crowned the queen of love and beauty in 55 AC. She became one of the many victims of the Shivers in 60 AC. and died a day and a half after she had first complained of feeling cold.

At the age of seven, Aemon was anointed Prince of Dragons and heir of the Iron Throne. He was knighted at seventeen, was a tourney champion, and became a justiciar and master of laws at twenty.

Baelon Targaryen wasn't any less accomplished, as he earned his knighthood and was married at sixteen to his sister Alyssa.

In the same year of her marriage, Alyssa claimed a dragon for her own, Meleys. Alyssa gave birth to her first child, Viserys. Alyssa put the newborn Viserys in swaddling clothes and mounted Meleys. In 81 AC, Alyssa gave birth to Daemon, and after he had been born, she took him up in the sky with Meleys. However, Alyssa died one year after giving birth to Aegon, who also died.

Princess Martelle was the sixth-born child; she was promised to the Faith of the Seven in 73 AC and later became a septa. As Septa Maegelle, she nursed children with grayscale, which later was the reason she died.

People considered Vaegon to be sour. He was not a good fighter and liked the library, where he could often be found.

Daella was born in 64 AC. Daella and Lord Rodrik Arryn were married on Dragonstone in front of a small crowd. In 82 AC, Daella became pregnant but died in childbirth at the age of eighteen. She left behind her daughter, Aemma Arryn.

Saera was the ninthborn child and a forbidden name to be said near King Jaehaerys. She was considered the rebel princess, by twelve she was often drunk when summoned to the Sept. By the age of fourteen she birthed her first bastard daughter, Celya Waters. After her scandal, she was sent to Old town, but, one year later escaped and was never seen again.

Viserra was the most beautiful of the Targaryen daughters and the most vain of them all. According to Alysanne, Viserra desired to become a queen and wanted to marry her brother Baelon, not for love but for ambition. Unfortunately, Viserra died at the age of fifteen.

Gael grew to be a shy and sweet girl, although she hid secrets and sadness. She was found drowned and left behind two infant twin girls and a newborn son; the three were legitimated as Queen Alysanne's requests. Some say that King Jaehaerys felt guilty about the pain and suffering that his youngest child went through.

To King Jaehaerys, the succession appeared solid. Even though Queen Alysanne believed that the heir of the Iron Throne should have been Princess Daenerys, as she was the eldest.

However, Aemon was slain on Tarth by a Myrish crossbow bolt, and when Baelon heard of what happened to his brother, he went to Tarth and avenged him by driving the Myrmen into the sea. Later on, the King named him Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne.

However, Prince Aemon had two children: Rhaenys, born in 74 A.C., and Aelys, born in 75 A.C. Both girls had grown to be clever and beautiful young ladies. At the age of fourteen, Aelys had married Tymond Lannister, a man fifteen years her senior and heir to the lord of Casterly Rock. Soon after her wedding, Aelys and Tymond welcomed twin boys in 90 AC, Jason and Tyland Lannister. In the same year, Rhaenys married Corlys Velaryon.

King Jaehaerys discussed the matter of the succession with the small council, and all were in agreement that Prince Baelon was better to rule than Princess Rhaenys.

Rhaenys did not agree with the decision and raised the objection with the King; she informed him that he would rob her son of his birthright.

Queen Alysanne and Lady Jocelyn, half sisters, were both angered by the king's decision.

"A ruler needs a good head and a true heart. A cock is not essential. If you truly believe that women lack the wit to rule, plainly you have no need of me." Queen Alysanne told her husband.

Right after, Alysanne left King's Landing, and flew on Silverwing to DragonStone, where she stayed for two years.

In 94 AC, King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne were again reconciled by the help of their daughter, Maegelle, meanwhile, they never mention about the succession.

Before Alysanne passing away, she had the opportunity to witness the marriages of her grandchildren.

In 93 AC, Prince Viserys and Lady Aemma Arryn wed, at the time Viserys was six-and-ten and Aemma was one-and-teen. Four years later, Prince Daemon wed Lady Rhea Royce, heir to the castle of Runestone in the Vale. Although, they did not get along even being the same age. Some say he preferred his youngest aunt to his own wife.

King's Landing welcomed the great tourney in 98 AC to celebrate the fiftieth year of King Jaehaerys reign, it warmed the Queen's heart to have most of her surviving children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren reunited to celebrate. The Red Keep was full of noise, instruments playing and Alysanne felt happy having everyone around, even her youngest daughter, who liked to spend her time locked in her room or in her private garden.

It has never been seen so many dragons together since the Doom of Valyria.

A night after the tourney's end, the Hand of the King died peacefully in his sleep. Septon Barth served as the Hand of the King for forty-one years and in 99 AC, Prince Baelon became the next Hand of the King.

Prince Baelon perfomed his duties admirably, he surrounded himself with loyal counselors and was a good judge.

Everyone could agree that the Realm would be well when Baelon Targaryen sat the Iron Throne.

Author note
Hello everyone, I'm really happy to be publishing the first chapter of the book. I hope you all like it and enjoy this beautiful new journey.
Your comments are welcome . ❤️

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