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Cassidy's POV
Seven Months Later
"Michael, this all your fault! We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for you!" I shout angrily, squeezing Michael's hand as hard as I can.

My hormones are all over the place as I lay in this hospital bed, giving birth to Michael and I's baby girl.

Michael looks over at his parents and sister in confusion because of my sudden hormonal outburst. He turns back towards me, trying his hardest to get me to calm down somewhat.

"One last push, Cass. You're doing great," Michael says, kissing me on the forehead. I scream in pain and I suddenly hear a baby crying.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy. It's a beautiful baby girl," the doctor says.

The nurses clean my baby and give her to me. I cradle her in my arms, a big smile on my face.

"She's beautiful, Cass, just like you." Michael whispers, kissing me on the cheek and cradling our daughter's head in his palm.

Morgan, Memphis, Harper, Bailey, Grace, and Lainey all come into the room with looks of excitement on their face.

"Everyone, meet Piper Grace Hardy." I say. Grace's eyes grow wide.

"Grace?! You named her after me?" She asks. I nod.

"Yeah. We decided to name her after her godmother," Michael says. Grace starts crying tears of joy.

"Oh my gosh! This is amazing! You're the greatest, Cassidy."

"You're welcome, Grace." I say with a smile.

Michael's POV
My brother-in-law Daniel comes into the hospital room with Olivia and Levi. The twins run over to me with big smiles on their faces.

"Uncle Michael! Can we see our new cousin?" Levi asks. I smile.


"Can I hold her?" Olivia asks. Cassidy nods.

"Yes, but be very gentle okay Olivia?"

"Okay Aunt Cassidy," Olivia says.

I show Cassidy how to hold Piper and carefully lay her in Olivia's arms. Olivia smiles and carefully kisses Piper on the forehead.

"I love you, Piper. We're gonna be best friends some day," she says.

"Naw. That's so cute," Cassidy whispers, a big smile on her face.


Later on, Piper's asleep and I'm laying in Cassidy's hospital bed with her. Cassidy lays her head on my chest, a satisfied smile on her face.

Cassidy looks up at me with a worried expression on her face because of how unhappy I look.

"Babe, are you okay? You seem upset," she says. I nod.

"Yeah. I'm just scared to be a father. I mean, what if I'm not any good at it and Piper hates me in the future?" I explain. Cassidy takes my hand and squeezes tightly.

"Oh, babe, you're already a good father. I see it when you're with the twins and Indi and Emi. You love kids, Michael, and you're gonna be a great dad to Piper." She says. I smile and kiss Cassidy on the lips.

"Thanks baby,"

"You know we can always pray to God about this. God will listen and He'll help navigate us through this chapter of our lives," Cassidy explains. I nod.

"I know. And thanks to you, I'm getting better at prayin' and goin' to church which I probably never would have done if God didn't put you back in my life." I explain, kissing Cassidy on the lips.

"I guess we're both the luckiest people on earth then," Cassidy mutters. I smile.

"Yeah. I guess we are,"

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