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Jere's pov

I am absolutely in love with Bojan.

I have never met anyone like him. He is so nice, for example when he helps me translate some things from English to...well...easier English. And he is so goddamn pretty. His smile is the cutest and I'm not even talking about his lovely laugh. The way he speaks is so hot and when he speaks in Slovenian it's even better. And his lips when he kisses me...

I could go on forever. And just as Bojan got me into this daydream, he also got me out of it.

"You said you were gonna pay."
"Oh yeah, sorry."

I took out my wallet and payed for our food. After that we left the cafe and we were back in the streets of Madrid. The weather was amazing, it was sunny but the wind was blowing a bit so it wasn't too hot.

I really wanted to hold Bojan'd hand but there could be fans anywhere that could see us and take photos. He was talking to Matti about something, I don't know what, I wasn't listening. I was just looking at Bojan'd pretty face.

"Thank you so much Matti for inviting us and thank you Jere for paying. I'm glad we did this. I'll go back to the band now. Have a nice day." Bojan said.
"Hei hei!" I also said goodbye to him.

Of course I wanted a goodbye kiss, but you know how it is to be famous. Nothing goes unnoticed. Him and us parted ways and we went back to the hotel.

"Do you love him?" Matti asked me when we arrived in our room.
"Yeah. Of course I do." I was confused.
"Im kidding. I see the way you look at him. No one can deny the thing you have between yourselves."

I smiled at Matti's words knowing they were true. I have met Matti a few years ago and we instantly clicked. He was also funny and goofy like me but we could also talk about serious topic's if we wanted to.

I got a notification on my phone.
Bojan Cvjetićanin started following you -Instagram

I followed him back and searched through his profile. Eventually I scrolled so far down there were some posts where he didn't even look like himself. He was so young.

I accidentally liked one of his posts from 7 or 8 years ago. Of course I got a message soon.

Bojan Cvjetićanin

Jere... Are you stalking my Instagram?


You can't lie. I saw you like my post from 2015.

Okay, maybe. You look different.

Yeah, Jere, that's called growing up. But you wouldn't know because 8 years ago you were 22.

Okay sorry. You look good anyways.


I give you kiss through the phone

Last night ♪bojanxkäärijä♪Where stories live. Discover now