Chapter 2

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There were many emotions you experienced in that moment that made sense, all except one – betrayal. Natasha owed you nothing; she was a stranger, what you thought was an act of kindness was actually just her duty. Even so, you couldn't forget the warmth of her hand in yours and the tiny smile she had given you to calm your panic. That had been unnecessary, right? You needed to stop trying to see the good in every person you met. You decided that it too had been another part of her role.

You made your way back into the cell, collapsing onto the bed and drawing your knees up to your chest so that you were in a foetal position. Now that you were alone, there was only one thing you could do – think.

You thought about how only a few days before, you had been looking forward to celebrating your eighteenth birthday. Everything had changed so quickly; one moment had thrown the course of your life onto a completely different path. You thought about how it would never be the same again. You thought about your Mother. You tried everything in your willpower to stop thinking about Natasha.

You stared at the wall in front of you, dismissing her from your mind completely. You wondered if it would be one of the last things you saw, along with your bed and the ceiling above you. Your eyes stung with tears, your head spinning as it occurred to you that this could be your life for a very long time, surrounded by walls that you couldn't name with nothing to distract you. You tightened your body into a ball, tears running down your face. Your perception of time was warped by the repetitive nature of your surroundings and the absence of a clock – it could've been hours or minutes later, you couldn't tell, when the door swung open but you refused to look up. You didn't care who it was; you assumed it was just somebody delivering your next meal.

Footsteps approached your bed and you heard the clatter of the tray you had left beside you as it was placed on the floor. Still, you didn't budge but your heart was beating faster now, the mattress beneath you sinking under the weight of the person next to you.

"Isaroka?" Her voice was a whisper, yet it still held onto its deeper tone and rasp, causing your stomach to squeeze with nerves. You let out a sniff, rubbing your eyes that ached from soreness.

"Please leave me alone," you pleaded, feelings of betrayal building in your chest again. You felt her hand on your shoulder and you shuddered at the touch, the familiar warmth spreading through your body once again despite your anger. She pulled away and you looked up to see her hand lingering in the air, her expression calm and observant. Natasha reached into her pocket, producing a crinkled, white cloth and handed it to you. You eyed it with suspicion, clueless as to what it was.

"It's a tissue," she said, catching onto your confusion, "You use it to wipe your face." You figured it was for your tears. You placed the tissue on your tear-stained cheeks, the material becoming damp in a matter of seconds.

"Thank you," you said, shifting your gaze to the wall opposite you, "Please can you leave now." Natasha sighed.

"I'm sorry. I know I don't deserve it but please, give me a chance." Your jaw tightened. You had given her a chance in the other room and she had turned her back on you. You had begged her with your eyes and she had left.

"I have no reason to," you said. You pushed yourself up and sat upright, your gaze colliding with hers. You could've sworn you saw genuine concern there but you didn't trust your judgement.

"We're not here to hurt you," she said. Your expression darkened. They had no reason to trap you in a place that was alien to you if they intended no harm. You were a threat in their eyes and people didn't extend their humanity to dangerous people. As if she could read your mind, she continued, "I understand that it doesn't seem like it but it's true. We want to help you, honestly, but we can't unless you cooperate." Her words dripped with genericism; she was clearly a dedicated worker who was trying to bait you into following S.H.I.E.L.D.'s commands. You clenched your fists, turning to face her. You would not tolerate manipulation, it was a dirty tactic.

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