Chapter 6

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You opened the door in front of you and entered the room onto an elevated platform, the meeting space many metres below you. You walked up to the railing, glancing down to see an elongated table covered with paper and pens, a screen projected on the right wall behind a seat with black, velvet cushions and armrests embedded with silver studs. You noticed an amber liquid soaking the paper and dripping from the table, creating a trial on the floor.

You checked for the blue figures again, the blurs descending to the ground floor of the building. Your scanner picked up on a door below you and you motioned to the ladder, Natasha running in front of you towards it. She took hold of either end of the ladder and slid down, jumping back and landing on both her feet. You climbed down the first few rungs before leaping backwards with much less skill, yelling out as your spine collided with a chair. "Are you okay?" Natasha offered her hand to you and you pulled yourself up without a second thought.

"I'm fine," you said. Just before you left the room, she stopped in her tracks, also noticing the liquid. She pressed her fingers to her earpiece.

"Director Fury, there's gasoline in the meeting room."

"Then you need to move fast." You sprinted down the corridor, your back still aching with pain and your scanner picked up on six blue figures on your path to Maria and Finnian. "We're approaching Arkursa members."

"How many?" Natasha questioned.

"Six," you answered. You turned the corner and six men stood on guard, reacting as soon as you caught their attention. You flexed your fingers and two flames of fire appeared in your palm before they were soaring straight towards their guns. As soon as all their guns were melted, Natasha rushed up to them and knocked them down one after the other, swinging at them, kicking and punching them with an insane amount of skill and talent. She launched herself at a light and swung herself onto the last guard's shoulders, swinging her legs around his neck until he tumbled to the floor, his head smacking against the wood. Your jaw dropped.

"That was incredible," you breathed. There was an alert in the corner of your screen and you looked up to see many more blue figures heading straight for you. "There's more coming for us."

"Go after Maria," Natasha said, "I'll join you as soon as I can." You nodded, touching the back of her hand before finding the two blue figures you were looking for on your scanner and darting down the corridor. After a few minutes of chasing, you opened a door that flooded your eyes with darkness, the outline of a fleet of stairs that would lead you to the bottom of the building barely visible. You nibbled at the corner of your lip when you saw how close Maria and Finnian were to the other blue figures but you were right behind them.

You practically threw yourself down the stairs, catching sight of Maria just before she entered the basement. Without thinking, you shouted her name, losing any element of surprise you had and alerting the gang to your presence.

As the attackers rushed through the door, Maria ducked out of the way, giving you a clear path to send a wave of fire at the attackers' guns, accidentally burning their hands in the process. You cringed at your mistake.

The attackers recovered from the blow quickly, their eyes burning with malice before Agent Hill came to her senses and shot them in their heads. You flinched at each bang, your heart thumping against your chest as they collapsed, blood spilt onto the floor.

"Melting glass girl," Maria said as more members rushed in, "Just burn them!" You shook your head – that would mean inflicting immense pain. You might give them permanent scars or marks and maybe, you would even kill somebody. "What are you waiting for..." There was a cry of pain as a gun went off, the material covering Maria's leg torn by a bullet and dark crimson started to soak into her clothing. You sent a flame at the perpetrator's gun and he let go of the burning pulp of metal, clasping his wrist in agony. If you didn't act now, Maria's vulnerable state would put her in lethal danger.

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