Chapter 3 - Scarlett

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Scarlett P.O.V

Hearing my assistant's raised voice through my office door, I lower the file I'm perusing onto my desk. For a second, I listen to see what the commotion is about, but I can't discern anything. Except it's over the phone.

I get up from my desk and go out into the waiting room. The gray leather armchairs spread about the spacious room are empty, and there's no one milling about confirming my previous assumption. I step up to Penelope's desk, and my presence goes unnoticed as her fingers rapidly move across her keyboard, inputting the information from the files on her desktop.

"Why can't you?!" She shouts into the cell phone, sandwiched between her ear and shoulder blade. "What do you have to do that's more important than looking after your child? Huh?"

There is a beat of silence as she listens to the other person's response before she says, "Your friends?! Are you telling me your friends are more important than your daugh-"

She pulls the phone from her ear. "Hello? Hello?!"

There must be no answer because she slams the phone face down on her desk, buries her face in her palms, and screams internally.

"Penelope, is everything alright?" I ask, taking one tentative step toward her.

She slowly lifts her head, smoothing her sleek blonde bob as she looks at me. "No, it's not. Jamie's deadbeat father just called to tell me he can't pick her up from school."

"Isn't this the second time this week?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. Joe, her boyfriend of seven years, was usually more reliable and diligent with his parental duties. But over the last month or so, things have changed.

He would suddenly drop everything with barely any notice a few times a week. And when he bothered to explain, they were often vague. Or at least that's what Penelope told me. I hadn't pried for more information because, to be frank, it was none of my business. But, whatever the truth is, I hope it doesn't destroy the relationship between them and their daughter.

"Yes!" With her red-painted lips twisted in a scowl, she snatches the silver picture frame containing a photo of her daughter and boyfriend off her desk and glares at it. "Plus, he says he also can't babysit her tonight. And there's no way I'll be able to find a replacement at this late notice in time for the party. So I guess I won't be able to go."

"Don't worry about the party. Just focus on Jamie. Besides, Oscar will understand."

She nods. "But I wa-" The office phone rings, interrupting her.

She returns the photo frame to its original position and exhales deeply before answering it. "Dr. Winter's office. This is Penelope speaking. How may I help you?"

There's a short pause before she says, "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. And I'll take care of that right away for you."

I wave my hands until she looks up at me.

"Who is that?" I mouth.

She places her hand over the receiver. "Mr. Fisher. He got into a little fender bender on his way over and needs to reschedule."

I nod. "Is he injured?"

She shakes her head, no, and I let out a relieved breath.

I had yet to meet the man. He was a new patient. But hopefully, his accident was just a stroke of bad luck instead of nerves.

I tune back into the conversation when Penelope confirms his new appointment date before ending the call.

"Well, since he was the last patient I was supposed to see today, you can head home early."

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