Chapter 23 - Maddox

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Maddox P.O.V

Three cases. All involving models. There is no way they aren't connected. Chance might have his doubts with good reason, of course, considering he had way more people to answer to if this turned out wrong. The backlash from his superiors would be minuscule compared to that of the families impacted and the public. And while I would still face scrutiny, it would be on a lesser scaler than him.

However, that didn't change the fact that everything inside me is telling me I'm right. Call it a gut feeling or what have you, but I just knew it to be true.

The only problem is I had no proof. And without it, no one would simply just take my word for it. That's why I returned home yesterday after dropping Scarlett off at the hotel.

Trust me. It was for the better. If I had stayed, I would only be going through the motions while my mind would be elsewhere. And even though my family would be understanding and forgiving, I felt they deserved more than just half of me. Only after confirming the truth would I return. And I prayed it was well before the ceremony was over.

I'm nearing my office when I hear my name shouted from the other end of the hallway. I turn to see Chance coming toward me, a hint of urgency in his every step. When he reaches me, he pulls me in for a quick Bro hug to which I stiffly return.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I say, unable to hide my surprise and confusion at his sudden appearance.

"I'm sorry for showing up like this without notice. First your place and now your office i-"

"Nah, don't apologize. It's alright. Just tell me what you need."

He takes a deep breath. "I need to use your office."

"My office? Why?"

He glances over his shoulder before quietly asking, "Can we talk inside?"

"Yeah, yeah." I quickly unlock and open the door before turning on the lights and leading the way inside. "Is uh... everything alright?"

He grips the back of one of the chairs in front of my desk, eyes downcast, and slowly shakes his head. "No. No, it's not."

"What happened?"

"When I got into work this morning, the blood analysis report waiting on my desk confirmed that the blood taken from the scene yesterday was Xena's. And..." Slowly, he lifts his eyes to meet mine and runs his fingers through his hair. "No one's been able to reach her since she left for a spa getaway."

"So she's missing."

"Looks fucking like it." He sighs and drops heavily into the seat.

"Damn." I sink onto the edge of my desk, a heavy weight on my chest. "Kinda wish I hadn't been right. You know?"

He nods. "Me too."

"But I don't understand what this has to do with my office."

"Xena's assistant is supposed to meet me here."

"I take you're trying to keep word from getting out about her."

"Yeah, especially with the paparazzi and news reporters hanging around the station."

"Okay. It's yours. When does she get here?"

He glanced at his watch. "Any minu-"

"Excuse me," a light feminine voice breaks through.

A young woman standing all of five feet in a simple white blouse and black skirt watches us from the doorway. Her large dark brown eyes shifting between us behind the oval frames resting on her nose.


"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm looking for Officer Chance Collins," she says, hiking her purse up higher on her shoulder as she steps inside.

"Yes, that's me." Chance pushes to his feet and crosses over to her with his hand extended. "And you must be Janet Chaiz, Xena's assistant, right?"

"Yes." She confirms, taking his hand for a quick shake.

"Thank you for coming. I know this isn't the station, but I thought it better to meet here under the circumstances."

"Truth be told, Officer Collins, so do I. I heard what happened to the other model, Sienna, and was wondering if there's a possibility Xena will end up the same?"

"Uh..." Chance scratches his cheek, head slightly tilted as he contemplates a response. "Ms. Chaiz, I can't say for certain if there is or isn't, at this moment. That's why I'm trying to do everything in my power to keep news about her from getting out."

Her eyes briefly shift in my direction. Chance must see the lingering doubt in her gaze because he quickly reassures her.

"Don't worry about him. This is my good friend, Maddox. He's a private investigator, and I can assure you whatever we discuss will stay between the three of us."

We exchange a quick nod in greeting before she takes a seat. "Well, the four of us, actually. Xena's mom is expecting a phone call after this."

"Okay, that's fine. As long as you didn't tell anyone else."

"No, that's it."

"Has anyone contacted you or Xena's mom demanding a ransom?"

She shakes her head.

Chance sighs and slips his notepad from his pocket. "I meant to ask you this yesterday, but does Xena often travel by herself?"

"Not usually, but on this trip, yes."

"No bodyguard or..." He gestures to her. "Assistant?"

She shakes her head again. "It's funny, I was looking forward to this time off, but now I can't help wondering if I'd gone with her..." Her voice cracks. "C-could I have prevented this somehow."

Chance lays his hand on top of hers, where it rests on the chair arm, and offers a comforting squeeze. "Ms. Chaiz, we'll never know if you could've changed things or not. But right now, you're the best person to help us find Xena. And I think that's where you should focus your energy. Okay?"

She nods and offers a shaky smile. "Okay."

"Alright. Now, can you tell me who knew she would be staying there?" Chance held his pen up poise to write her response.



"Yeah, she always goes to that hotel to unwind and post pictures on her social media after every stay. She's done this even before she was famous."

He flips his notebook closed. "Fuck. That's such a wide net of suspects. We need to narrow it down."

"What about a list of people that's made threats against her?" I chime in for the first time throughout the conversation. "That should help."

"Do you keep track of those people?" Chance asks.


Chance's phone beeps, and he pulls it from his pocket. "Good. Get me a copy of that as soon as possible." He says while typing out a message.

"Is everything okay?" Janet asks.

"Yeah, it's actually good news for once. Dr. Earhart- he's from another case I'm working on- but anyway he just came out of a coma. And I need to head over to the hospital to see him. So, do you mind if we end things now?"

"No, not at all."

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