Chapter 1 - Scarlett

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Scarlett P.O.V

My knee bounces underneath the tiny square table as I slip my phone from my purse and check my notifications for the hundredth time. Nothing had changed in the few seconds since I'd last checked it or the ninety-eight times before. There were still no messages or missed calls, only silence.

Where is he?

It's 8:15. Exactly fifteen minutes past the time my date was to be here. I glare at my home screen, willing the device to beep, buzz, or anything to signal an incoming call. But all it does is fade to black, leaving me staring at my reflection. Sighing, I grab my glass of red wine and sip it to ease my nerves.

I didn't want to assume the worst just yet. After all, he was a doctor. A plastic surgeon but still a doctor nonetheless. Which meant time was of the essence to him. Maybe he was late because there was some big medical emergency he needed to tend to. They were rare in his field, but they still happened. But even still, he could have taken a second or two to shoot me a quick message.

Any decent man would.

I pull up the dating app and scroll through our exchanged messages before setting the date. It takes everything inside of me not to overanalyze each one like he is one of my patients. Instead, I only focus on what they say. And not a single one hinted at a chance he might back out, especially since he'd been the one to organize our plans for the night.

I sigh again, grab my glass and take another sip. Even though I really want to chug the bottle chilling in the bucket. Maybe if I get drunk enough, it'll numb me to all the flirtatious glances, coy smiles, and sweet laughter passing between the couples around me, constantly reminding me I'm alone. The hostess casts a fleeting glance my way as she leads an elderly couple to the table behind me. The restaurant is packed tonight, with a short line outside the entrance. The only empty seat is the one across from me.

Good, God. Is it me?

It must be me.

Or else why wouldn't he show up?

This was my third date this month, and although the other two had been horrendous, they'd at least come.

Maybe I'm just meant to be alone forever.

I finish off my wine and motion to the waiter for the check.

Enough is enough.

He isn't coming.

And I'm done waiting.

Besides, it was better to leave now before more pitying glances came my way.

As soon as the waiter arrives, I pay my bill and leave. While I'm waiting for my ride, a crowd gathers at the edge of the block, openly gawking at an ambulance in the parking garage.

"What's going on?" I ask the attendant.

He shrugs before turning away to tend to a customer. I quickly lose interest as a cab pulls up to the curb. Eager to put this entire night behind me, I hop in before anyone else.

"Where ya going?" The cabbie asks.

I start to rattle off my address but stop. This wasn't how I pictured my night would end. Returning home alone and disappointed after another failed date. And I refuse to let it be.

He might've let me down, but there was always one person I could count on to lift my mood.

I grab my phone from my purse and pull up an app I haven't used since installing it.

I lean forward and show him my phone. "Here."


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