Gundham Tanaka x Fem. Reader

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° • Before I begin, this is NOT my first time writing for Gundham, but I commonly want to make him a bit more verbal than he actually is just for a better experience for the readers lol. Enjoy, lovelies! • °

Of course.
You stared at the princess across from you in jealousy as Gundham  began laughing with her, attempting to impress her with his Devas of Destruction. You found every word of his -even from across the room-  extremely important as though he was speaking to you and not Sonia. Your face was contorted in a slightly irritated expression as Kazuichi burst in and began to flirt with you. "Hey there, you doing anything later?" He asked with a grin. You stood up from the table and shoved him away before giving the boy a remark. "As if I would join you in any activities." You snapped, loud enough that even Sonia and Gundham turned their heads towards you with confused expressions. You met Gundham's eyes and yelped slightly before walking out of the diner.

Fuck this, he's happier with Sonia than me. . .

You stormed off to your cabin, tears threatening to flow out of your eyes as you flung the door open, walking in and slamming it shut. You curled up on your bed and finally let the tears start to fall, hoping nobody walked by. Some time had passed as you had sat there, trying to focus on the fact of the shocking reality: Gundham wouldn't like you. As you pushed tears away, you heard the door open and pulled your pillow over your head. "Go away, Akane, I don't feel like playing volleyball right now.." You groaned, sniffling. A deep chuckle came from the doorway. "Y/N, you seem rather.. "Troubled." You looked up in shock and yelped loudly as he towered over you. "G-Gundham. "I thought you and Sonia were busy talking!" You attempted to say cheerfully, hopefully throwing him off of her case. He sighed. "I completely disregarded how much you've been trying to get my attention,  Y/N. "I apologize." Gundham said, looking away with a sigh. One of his Devas if Destruction, San-D, squeaked on his shoulder, making you smile softly. "Hey there San-D." You said sweetly, standing up to face Gundham, eventually petting San-D on the head. "The Devas sure seem to like you." He chuckled. You simply smiled and continued to pet the hamster. "Sonia told me why you were upset.." He murmured, pulling his scarf over his mouth. He looked away and blushed. "H-Huh?-" You stammered, not petting San-D anymore and just staring up at Gundham. All he did was put his hand up to the bottom of your chin, holding it up to face him. Your eyes widened slightly and your face turned red. "Gundham-" Your words were cut short as he pulled you closer, kissing you on the lips. You were extremely shocked by this, but you melted into the kiss shortly after. He pulled away and put his scarf up around his face. You were left stuttering in front of him. "W-Why?" You finally managed to mumble. "I rather enjoy your company- as well as my Devas do- to the point of feeling as though we were destined to be together." He said with a chuckle, making you blush. "I thought you liked Sonia, though.." You muttered shyly. He laughed his normal laugh. "No, I just think she is rather hilarious at times." He told you with a smile. "In that case, I'm glad Sonia told you how I felt." You said, smiling at him. San-D jumped off of his shoulder and onto yours with a squeak, making you giggle. "Hey there you adorable thing," You cooed, making Gundham smile at your carefulness with one of his Devas. Looks like you got your happy ending. All until the words after the beep came on loud and clear.
"A body has been discovered!"

•  618 words minus Author's notes. •
° •  I ENJOY WRITING SO MUCH BUT I BARELY HAVE ANY INSPIRATION ANYMORE  😔  I'm still taking requests although I may be slow getting to them because -lemme be honest- I have my phone on and I listen to my Spotify 24/7, BUT- I am so fucking tired from certain  peoples' bullshit lmao. It's a hell of a ride. Stay safe and hydrated! • °

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