Byakuya Togami x Fem. Reader

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You stared at Junko's impaled body with terror and began to shake. You looked at everyone else's terrorised expressions and watched Junko gasp her last breath. Togami stood beside you in equal horror and met your eyes.
You had known him forever, due to your parents knowing each other and practically being the reason he and you got along at all. You went through everything with him, from crying to sharing moments with each other. It hit you that everything occurring now wasn't fake or staged. Junko was dead, and it was all that bear's fault. He laughed, casting that blank stare at all of the students in the room. You stared up at Byakuya and grabbed his shoulder. He sighed. "Is this how this entire high school year will play out? "You setting up fake deaths so we'll be afraid to cross you?" He snapped at the black and white bear with a frown. Monokuma laughed. "Upupupu! "I can assure you, Mister Ultimate Progeny, these are not fake deaths. "I am your headmaster, and you will all play in a killing game!" He laughed again at Byakuya's shock. "But for now, you can all go to your rooms and recover. "Poor Junko, she knew what was coming to her.." He snickered.
You walked to your room, slamming the door behind you. You could only scream at yourself, asking why you had to fill out the application for Hope's Peak High School. Tears began to flood your eyes as you sat on your bed. You laid down and cried into your pillow, falling asleep a while later.

You woke up to the morning announcements, seeing Monokuma on the screen. You heard a knock on your door and groaned, getting up and putting on your outfit. You opened the door to see Makoto waving awkwardly at you. "Hey, Y/N, we're going to meet at the dining hall. "Are you coming?" He asked, looking at you with a soft smile. You sighed and looked at him. "Sure, I could use a distraction from this.." You replied, smiling at him.
Walking into the dining room, you watched Toko stare at Byakuya with a lovey-dovey expression that made you shudder. She was obsessed, and you were rather disturbed by her obsession with him. You'd always had a slight crush on your childhood best friend, but you never wanted to admit it due to the probability of him rejecting you. He could have easily said one word to his other friends and destroyed your reputation. So, you kept to yourself. You looked over at Makoto and saw his expression. "Hey, guys, where's Sayaka?" He asked with a fearful voice, making your eyes widen. You stood out of his way and walked over to Byakuya. "If she's dead, I'm going to be crying for the second night in a row tonight." You murmured, and Byakuya sighed. "I will admit, this is rather.. "traumatic." He said, meeting your eyes. You nodded, relieved that he agreed with you. Suddenly, Makoto screamed. You and all the others ran into the room, seeing the bathroom door ajar. You gagged and stared in horror at Sayaka's body, immediately turning away and walking out of the room. All you could hear was the bell ring, and Momokuma's voice following shortly after. "A body has been discovered!"


You stood in the audience, watching as Leon was pelted with baseballs in horror. You looked away and buried your face in Byakuya's shoulder, and he placed a hand on your back, awkwardly trying to comfort you. You couldn't do anything but shudder as you heard the baseballs hit the boy's body, hearing cracks of bones as it continued for a few more minutes. You looked over as the machine that had been stuffed with baseballs had stopped, seeing Leon's pelted body. You gagged and turned back to face Byakuya, hoping you wouldn't be here for much longer.


You sat by yourself in the library and began reading a really interesting book on mystery fiction. You never really had been very intrigued in the books like this for a long time, but since you were trapped in this hellhole, all you had time to do was talk to the other people or do any of the activities in the new rooms that would be unlocked after each trial. Most of the others had wanted to go swimming, but you just stuck to your own mindset and went straight to the library to indulge in the many books you saw in the room previously. You turned each page with a small frown on your face, not really too deep into the book yet. You heard footsteps enter the library and looked up immediately, closing your book. "Who's there?" You asked, not being able to see from the corner you sat in. "Do you really think I'd waste my time killing someone?" You groaned. "Hello, Byakuya." You said as he walked over to your corner. You frowned at him, only to be met with an annoyed stare. "Why on earth would you think someone would want to kill you, for goodness sake? "Not like your secret is anything important, right?" He said with a cocky smile, looking down at you. "Why don't you just leave my sight and go find Toko? "Mess with her, because I don't need or want to deal with your bullshit right now, Byakuya." You snapped, glaring right back up at him. He faked a sad expression and mocked you. "So you're saying I'm not welcome in your 'glorious' presence." He snapped back, and he leaned in closer to your face. You yelped, your cheeks turning a pink colour as he towered over you. He looked down at you with a triumphant smile. "I knew it." He said, grinning. "K-Knew what?" You stammered, looking at him in shock. He grinned. "You do like me, don't you?" He asked, pushing up his glasses. "No, I don't, but you can keep fucking dreaming." You said, hoping he didn't mention how obvious it was that you were lying. "That's rather sad, actually. "I quite enjoy your presence around, and was hoping you'd share the same feeling." He chuckled, earning a shocked expression from you. "The Byakuya Togami, Ultimate Progeny, likes me?" You said, looking into his eyes. He laughed. "Oh, please, why would I lie to you? "I don't like wasting time." He scoffed. You looked away for a moment and then met his eyes. You stared into his eyes for a moment before he shrugged it off. "Rather sad, actually, I was hoping for you to mutually have some sort of feelings for me, but-" You cut him off by hugging him, which made him freeze. "You mean it, Byakuya?" You mumbled, blushing. He stammered and looked down at you. "I thought you didn't-" You looked up at him and smiled. "We may be childhood friends, Byakuya, but I've liked you for ages, alright?" You said, continuing to hug him. He smiled down at you after a while, hugging you back. "Let's survive this killing game so we can be together, okay?" He said, staring you in the eyes. You smiled softly. "I won't die without you by my side."

Author's Note: I have had no inspiration at all to finish anything original, but I finally wanted to begin this. I love Byakuya so much and this is kinda out of character for him, but I love it so much- I am taking requests on my Tumblr and on here!
Tumblr : JewelzAndDiamondz

WORD COUNT : 1213 [Not including A/N]

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