Tied Up Again

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*******************AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END PLEASE READ!!!!***********************************

Avery’s POV

For the third time in like three days, I was waking up in an unknown place, not knowing how I got there. And let me tell you; waking up in a bed that’s not your own, when you know you are surrounded by psychopaths, is completely and utterly terrifying.

I was in a room with dark blue walls and gray drapes covering the windows. There was a huge flat screen mounted on the wall. It had a Playstation 3 and, my personal favorite, an X-Box 360 on a shelf below it. There were a few pieces of clothes strewn across the floor, but overall, it was pretty clean. I knew I should be freaking out, but something about this room just made me feel completely safe. It was weird.

My hair was falling in my face so I reached up to push the wild curls out of my face. As I did, I noticed the bandage wrapped around my arm. It was covered in dry blood. It was nasty. The sight of the bandage alone brought a flood of memories that flashed beneath my eyelids.

I remembered waking up in a cell, attempting my escape and running into the ruggedly handsome and mysterious Aiden. I also remember him defending me as I was being dragged down to my cell in the basement.

Aiden’s dad had come down and bombarded me with questions about hunters, packs, and werewolves. I was so confused and I called him crazy. That’s when he cut me. I had never felt pain like that in my life. I thought it couldn’t get any worse, but then he poured the alcohol over the cut and the pain multiplied. It felt like my arm had been held above a fire. At that point, I was drifting in and out of consciousness. I vaguely remembered Aiden and some other lady bursting into my cell. Aiden started yelling at his father and then, something happened… I thought and thought, but I couldn’t remember.

Think Avery! God damn it!! I knew it was important, but I just couldn’t remember.

I sat back in the bed, trying to think. I could hear voices down the hall, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Both voices were distinctly male and they were getting louder. I began to panic. What if they came in here!? I thought. I have to hide.

I looked around the room. The only places I could hide were the closet or under the bed. I chose the closet. I got out of the bed slowly, trying to remain quiet. The voices were getting even closer. I had to hurry so I ran toward the closet, but after about three strides away from the bed, my feet came out from under me and I fell face-first onto the floor.

I looked down and tied around my ankle, there was a rope. The voices were getting even closer. I pulled and yanked at the rope as hard as I could, but nothing happened.

I cursed under my breath just as the door opened. I froze and looked up at the door. I saw Aiden and another man that I had never seen before. Terrified, I crawled as far away from them as I could. I curled into a ball and cried silently.

I heard someone come up to me and I looked up, startled. Aiden was kneeling next to me. “Shhh, Avery it’s okay,” he cooed quietly.

I tried to move away from him, but I couldn’t because of the rope. “Get away,” I tried to say in a strong voice, but it came out shaky and quiet. He didn’t listen.

“Get away from me,” I said with more vigor. Aiden looked up at me, hurt glistening in his eyes. He reluctantly took a few steps back, his eyes downcast.

“Avery,” he said, “I promise that I will never heart you.” He looked up at me again. “I know you’re confused, but everything will make sense soon.”

“H-h-how?” I asked. “No one tells me anything except for crazy people asking me about werewolves and hunters and packs!” at this point I was rambling hysterically. “I am supposed to be in Hawaii with my parents, but instead, I have been kidnapped, taken to god knows where, and I’m surrounded by psychopaths who believe in werewolves! I have no idea what’s going on and I was tortured for information I don’t have. I just want to go home,” I said while sobbing.

“Avery,” Aiden said soothingly. “You need to calm down or else I can’t explain anything to you.”

“Calm down?! How can I possibly calm down!?” I was now. “Your dad tortured me and probably would’ve killed me if you hadn’t-“ I stopped as all the memories from last night came rushing back once again, but this time, nothing was missing. I remembered what happened! Aiden had turned into a giant black wolf! He attacked his dad and then he turned into another wolf only bigger! This can’t be possible!! Werewolves are imaginary! A story parents tell kids so they will sleep eat their vegetables or something!

Finally coming out of my daze, I looked up at Aiden who was still a couple feet away from me. I let out the scream that had been building in my throat.

Aiden, startled by my outburst, took a few steps back and then turned to the man still standing in the doorway. “Justin, I think she remembers last night. Quick, go get the pack doctor! Tell him we need a tranquilizer for Avery. Go Justin! Hurry!”

The man at the door, Justin, took off down the hall. Wait! What?! Did he say a tranquilizer!? There was no way in hell he was getting near me with a needle. I hate them!

Aiden was walking towards me with his hands raised in front of him as if I was some sort of frightened animal. He noticed me watching him and tensed, ready to grab me if needed.

“Avery sweetheart, you need to calm down.” Aiden cooed. “Take deep breaths. I’m not going to hurt you.”

Not believing any of it, I went to run but, once again, I was sent sprawling toward the ground.

“Shit,” I cursed quietly. I had forgotten about the rope. I reached for the rope and tried untying the knots once again. I still couldn’t get them! Aiden was almost across the room already so I jumped up and grabbed the lamp on the bedside table, which I could barely reach due to the rope.

I turned, aimed at Aiden, and threw the lamp. Just as I released it, Aiden ducked and ran toward me at a pace that seemed too fast to be human. I tried to hit him, but he quickly had both my hands wrapped in one of his hands and me on the bed, him straddling me so that I couldn’t move the lower half of my body.

Not two seconds later, Justin ran into the room with a man in a white coat on his tail. “Well don’t just stand there!” Aiden yelled with authority in his voice. “Sedate her before she hurts herself!” he ordered.

I started struggling even more. The man with the coat walked over to the bed with a syringe in his hand. I screamed.

“Just do it!” Aiden barked.

I felt the coolness of the disinfecting wipe on my skin and the sharp pinch of the needle as it punctured my vein. I tried to keep struggling, but my limbs were getting heavier. I started to get dizzy and I couldn’t fight it anymore. I gave up and succumbed to the darkness.

****AUTHOR'S NOTE***********************************

Okay guys, I know this chapter is short, but it's something...:) I could not think of a name for this chapter so I'll tell you what. Post your idea for the chapter title in my comments and I will rename the title and I will dedicate the next chapter to whoever came up with my favorite title. If you can't think of anything just vote please:) Thanks for your support!!

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