Meeting Aiden

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Hey guys! I know I took forever to upload, but this one is super long so i hope it will make up for the wait! I MADE SOME CHANGES TO THE LAST CHAPTER SO I SUGEST YOU RE-READ THAT ONE BEFORE READING THIS ONE TO AVOID CONFUSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO, PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE END!!

Aiden’s P.O.V.

(Back to where they are walking up to the gate)

            Thank God! We were almost home. I had been in Chicago for two weeks overseeing the joining of two packs. I went with my father, his and my beta, along with a few of our pack fighters.

            We were walking up to the gates surrounding our pack house, laughing at something Justin, my beta, had said when I picked up the most amazing scent in the world. It was a mix between oranges and vanilla. “Does anyone smell that?” I asked. There was a chorus of “no’s” and we continued walking towards the gate.

            Dad walked up to the intercom and ordered Ron, one of our guards, to let us in. As it swung open, we began to walk in. The scent just kept getting stronger with every step I took. My wolf was telling me to follow the scent until we found what it was coming from.

            I walked into the woods along the side of the dirt road. It didn’t take more than a few seconds to find where the scent originated. Crouched behind a small bush was a girl. She looked so small and fragile. All I wanted to do was love and protect her.

            Still not having noticed me, she prepared to bolt out of the gate. I couldn’t let that happen so I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist. “What do we have here?” I whispered in her ear as I pulled her up so she was standing.

She let out a squeal of surprise and I turned her around to face me. She was beautiful, even with all of the dirt and grime on her face. She had auburn hair that went down to the middle of her back and she had the prettiest eyes. They were green around her pupil, but were framed by a gray-blue color. My wolf was screaming one word, “Mate!” I couldn’t look away from her and it seemed she was the same way.

“Aiden! Where are you?” my father shouted, pulling me out of my dazed state.

I quickly threw my mate over my shoulder and shouted back, “We’re coming!”

Avery’s P.O.V.

            After the initial shock of being thrown over his shoulder wore off, I began to struggle against the extremely handsome brute. I squirmed and thrashed, but his arm wouldn’t budge. I clawed at his shoulders and fought against him as hard as I could, but his grip didn’t waver in the slightest.

            This continued until we walked, or rather, he walked around the bend, only to come face-to-face with the group of people he walked in with. My eyes widened. Now that I got a good look at them, I realized that everyone was huge! And not in the fat way! No! You could tell they were made of pure muscle. And talk about tall! I didn’t see one guy who looked under 6 feet tall. Even the girls towered over my small 5’3’’ frame.

            “Who is this Aiden?” one man asked.

            Aiden, a.k.a. the man whose shoulder I was being held over, opened his mouth to reply just as the two guys from the ‘dungeon” came running out of the house.

            “Shit! Where did she go Kyle?!” one of them asked the other.

            I began to fight against Auden again only for his grip on my legs to tighten. “Shit man, if we lost Avery, Paul will have both our heads...” Kyle trailed off at the end stopping in front of a man that looked just like Aiden, only taller. They had their heads bowed slightly. The man was glaring at them and geez, if looks could kill, they would both be 10 feet under.

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