A Somewhat Accidental Kidnapping

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A Somewhat Accidental Kidnapping

Chapter One

Unknown P.O.V.

    We were sitting outside the house, waiting for it to get dark enough to sneak in unnoticed. I had the perfect vantage point up on the hill directly behind the house. I could see into the kitchen window downstairs and what I assume to be a couple of bedrooms on the top floor. I noticed something unusual at first. When I continued to survey the house, I saw something strange. I motioned Chris over to where I was kneeling.

    He walked over nonchalantly like he broke into houses every weekend just for the thrill of it. Seeing the confused look on my face, he knelt down with me.

    “What’s wrong?” he asks.

    I pointed to one of the upstairs windows and he looked over, his eyebrows scrunching in confusion when he noticed that a light was on inside the house.  

    “Someone must be home,” he said.

    “No I would never have guessed that,” I replied sarcastically, giving him a stupid look. “No one should be home. Everyone should have been gone hours ago,” I told him.

    “Maybe we got our information wrong. We have made mistakes before.”

    “No there’s no way our informants could have messed up… The flight for the daughter was booked to leave three hours ago,” I said, trying to make sense of the situation before us.

    “What are we going to do now?” Chris asked me.

    “We will continue with the original plan,” I told him. “Nothing has changed.”

    “What about the person inside?”

    “If they don’t leave soon, we’ll have to take home a bit more than we planned. The alpha said this had to happen tonight.”

Avery’s P.O.V.

I was lying in bed on a Saturday morning with nothing to do. Boring, I know. I was supposed to be in Hawaii with my parents, but being the “irresponsible person” I am, according to my parents, I missed my flight. Considering it was actually because of a huge car crash on the highway near my house, I don’t think it was my fault.

My parents have already been in Hawaii for two weeks and won’t buy me a new ticket even though we have more than enough money to buy several. I couldn’t leave before today because I was taking two major tests that I needed to do well on in order to receive my Associates this spring. So once again, here I am, bored as hell lying on my bed with “The Big Bang Theory” playing on the flat screen in front of me.

I have been lying here for two hours doing absolutely nothing but listen to the droning of my television, not wanting to move after my parents yelled at me. For half an hour straight, might I add?

I already bought a couple of books on Amazon that should be here in a few days to keep me company for the two weeks my parents will still be gone. They won’t notice the extra $20 charge on their credit card. We have too much money for them to notice. My mom is a fashion designer and has shops all throughout the U.S. and parts of Europe. My dad is the head executive for Apple. So you could say that we are rich, but I always tried to ignore that fact because I thought I was just like everyone else. Money never really mattered to me.

I can’t stand people who think they are better than everyone else just because they have money. I guess you could say that’s why my parents and I don’t get along very well in the first place. They’re always telling me to dress better and they always want me to meet their friends’ children with hopes that I would find “more suitable friends to hang out with.”

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