Isaac III

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"We got a show in four hours and we need as many things as we can get! Stevie, my boy, finish with those powders and meet me in my office! The rest of ya, keep working!" The ringleader encouraged us while, we prepare for tonight's show.

"I don't know why your uncle gets me and you confused so much," Stevie mumbled. He was working with the tigers and elephants while, I was making the powders explode.

"I got no idea. He always knows who he's directing to, just never get the names straight." I explain to him loudly over the ruckus going in the tent.

"Looks like he needs to retire early!" Stevie screams and the elephants start going crazy.

"Calm them down! I'll be right back" I shouted at him and went to my Uncle Rick's office. When I got there, Robyn was chatting with him. I instantly hid behind the door and waited for them to come out.

I guess that's the new apprentice he was talking about. She's interviewing a spot for the internship for the best carnival ever in Boston.

After a few minutes of hiding behind the door, they come out and Uncle Rick introduced me to Robyn.

"C'mon, I already know you that you two know each other." He laughed and put his hat back on. "Good news is that you two will work in the basement instead. Robyn, you are new here and Isaac here will be your mentor." He whispers in her ear, "And he's kinda the lady's man." He whistles.

"Uncle Rick!" I complain. Robyn starts giggling and quickly stops.

"Ok, Issy, just jokin' with ya. Lead her to the basement and you two can start working on the potions and other junk we got down there. It needs organizin' anyways." And he walks away to instruct the other crew members.

There was an awkward silence and I quickly broke it saying, "Well, Robyn, welcome to the crew. You can probably meet the whole circus when, it's less crowded and crazy. C'mon." I took her soft, dainty hand and led her downstairs.

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