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Nickel's P.O.V

Dude i hate this trolley!! Im gonna kick this thing---!

Oh sh- god! I just hit balloon! I just cast attention to myself

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Oh sh- god! I just hit balloon! I just cast attention to myself... and now.. everyone would think bad of me! Whatever! Im gonna go find Baseball!

Balloons P.O.V

Oh wow, hes really trying to get that movin... OH WAIT! WHY IS HE RUNNING BACK?? IS HE GONNA KICK IT? OH HES GONNA KICKK---!!!


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Owww! That hurts .... that really hurts! Ouchh! My shoulder and knee hurts. Im gonna go to suitcase...

Narrator's turn.

Nickel ran into Class B-3 Which where Baseball is. And then balloon walked slowly and being hurt bad to Class B-3 also.

Nickel saw Balloon and Nickel starts to run his lungs out due to his running, he thought balloon was trying to catch him!

Though balloon just wants to go to suitcase because of his problem. After nickel gets there, balloon catches up and tries to fit himself at the door and as the same as nickel. Nickel went shock when balloon was trying to call for suitcase, then SUITCASE WAS TALKING TO... BASEBALL?!

Nickel went shock, REALLY SHOCK! He thought, "If The Pink Balloon guy is friends with That Suitcase, and That Suitcase is friends with Baseball, and Baseball is friends with me

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Nickel went shock, REALLY SHOCK! He thought, "If The Pink Balloon guy is friends with That Suitcase, and That Suitcase is friends with Baseball, and Baseball is friends with me.. The Pink Balloon guy might convince Baseball ive attacken him on PURPOSE!" He nervously stood up and froze. Baseball was calling Nickel and Balloon ran to suitcase, saying "Suitcase!! Hii!" And Suitcase said Hi back too. Nickel thought he was getting really guilty for what he have done, but Balloon didn't even tell suitcase or even baseball!

Balloon said, "Hi.. Nickel? Is that your name, Possibly?" He said. Nickel said, "Yeah...! Is your name balloon..? ... are you color pink..?" Balloon shook his bones out and yelled "OH COME ON! I AM COLOR SALMON! YOU PEOPLE NEVER KNOW!" and nickel being shocked, he tries not to ask again and he just says thank you. After a while, Balloon noticed Nickel is kind of small, Balloon said "Haha! You're quite small arent you, Nickel?" Nickel got nauseous and fainted, due to that the bell rang and balloon had to drag nickels fainted body to the Class B-1 Classroom.


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