Senior High

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Hello!! Back to the present, Senior High

Narrator's turn

After a while, Balloon and Nickel never talked to eachother while Suitcase and Baseball knew they had to make them communicate to eachother again.

Bb- Baseball (bibi=baby girl 🤑)

S- Hey Base!
Bb- Yeah?
S- We need to talk.
Bb- Huh? For what?

Suitcase tells Baseball to follow suitcase

S- You know... Balloon and Nickel havent talked to eachother.
Bb- Yeah?
S- We should... try to make them talk again?
Bb- Oh yeah? With what? Phones? Devices?
S- Lets do it traditionally.

 try to make them talk again?Bb- Oh yeah? With what? Phones? Devices?S- Lets do it traditionally

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S- i made.. Love letters.. FOR THE EACH OF THEM<3
Bb- Woah! You really got ready for this..
S- I even bought 10 Dollar Bouquets! Its 20 Dollars for the two of it! just wasted my lunch money for a whole week for this..  bouquets..
Bb- Woah Suitcase, Literally! I mean like  let's put it in their...
Bb- Let's  put it afterschool? Or Sneak out of recess?
S- Sneak out... of recess.
Bb- Alright.. 😈

Recess time

Bb- Their Recess is at 10:10 Am! Ours is 9:05..
S- We couldnt even bother "Sneaking" right now. I didnt think of the time of recess...
Bb- Whatever, lets be glad theyre not here, lets buy foods!
S- Alright

After buying, they get back to the lockers

S- Doublecheck the notes!
Bb- Okay

S- I got Balloons!Bb- I got Nickels!S- Lets put in their locker in 3

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S- I got Balloons!
Bb- I got Nickels!
S- Lets put in their locker in 3..
Bb- 2...
S & Bb- ONE!

Bell rang, its Class B-1 recess

Bb- Quick! Put it in!
S- Shoot! Uh... Lets go! RUN ITS THEM!

Balloon and Nickel goes out

N- Move prick.
B- Whatever..
N- What you say?
B- ...
N- Whatever, Aha!

Balloon pushes Nickel

B- Shut up.

Balloon slaps Nickel

N- agh..

Balloon looks at his locker

B- Huh? A bouquet? A Letter? Wait... Its from.. NICKEL?! EW! I CANT EVEN IMAGINE! but whatever... i do need a cup of milk tea.. chocolate.. i need to go.

Nickel looks at his locker also

N- a.. bouquet? a letter.. from balloon..? i do actually kind of hate him but.. like him also. i should go.. ill treat him

Afterschool, its 6 pm.

N- nickel mama
B- balloon papa

N- Im here.. now..
B- um, hi?
N- why did you give me a letter?
B- youre the one who sent me one..
N- no i didnt?
B- you did!
N- whatever, lets exchange numbers.
B- dont drag me into that trash! you used me! you never told me about the rumor! What rumor! Im tired! You hit me desperately on the ground that time!
N- im sorry, i just did what trophy said.. do you want milk tea? my treat
B- actually yeah please, thank you.

and then they fall inlove/j

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