Camp (His POV)

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She leant forward into the circle, and I took her face and shoved my lips to hers, expertly kissing her. It was like we were back in her room, alone. No one there. We must have kissed for longer than we should, but Amy was Amy and pulled away. The world came rushing back the moment her lips left mine.
"Aye!" Sonny called. Amy threw a gummy worm at him.
"¡Algún día vendrá mi príncipe!" {Someday my prince will come!} Kayla started singing, jumped up and dragged Amy with her.
"Algún día nos volveremos a ver," {Someday we'll meet again} Amy sang along.
"Ugh, English, you children," Sonny complained.
"And away to his castle we'll go!" Kayla sang, laughing with Amy.
"Supongo que tus sueños se hicieron realidad," {I suppose your dreams came true} Kayla winked.
"¡Ah! Perdón" {Ah! Excuse me!} "Hijra de puta!," {Motherfucker}
"Right, my go," Sonny took the bottle from me.

"Alright! Line it up!" I yelled. The tiny little kids obeyed immediately. I was frustrated with them for not listening.
"Stand still. We have to doubt you," I barked. Amy raised her eyebrows at me. I shrugged my shoulders.
"12," I counted.
"I got 12," Kayla and Amy replied. Two days left, thank god. It was the end of the last activity of Friday, and we were getting ready for the walk.
"Split into groups of four," I commanded. Amy sighed next to me.
"But why?! We're just going to the dining hall," A girl whined.
"Shut up and listen," I growled.
"Jesse." Amy scolded, and put her hand on my arm.
"Everyone quiet down," Amy called. They all obeyed, shutting up immediately.
"Child whisperer," Amy pointed to herself. I laughed.
"Sure." The kids start off towards the beach, where everyone bunches up with the friends. We spot Hudson and Kayla, and Amy is already running, despite sand flicking and flying everywhere.
"Kayak!" Kayla hugged her.
"Hey, what's the story with that?" I walked up next to Sonny.
"Oh, so when we were little and Mrs Turner took us up for a girls trip to Brisbane, we went kayaking. Kayla saw some really cute guy and started constantly making herself available and flirting, so I tipped the kayak right as she started twirling her hair. She wasn't wearing waterproof mascara and her hair was a mess. The guy never talked to her again," Amy laughed and Sonny bent over, guffawing. I burst out.
"Haha! Did you ever see him again?" I laughed. Kayla shook her head, scowling at Amy.
"I did not, thank you," She glared as Amy broke out into giggles.
"It was probably best you didn't see him again, because you would have never come to me," Hudson kissed Kayla's temple.
"Ew!" Amy wrinkled her nose.
"Ugh, get a room," I agreed.
"Psh, like you don't stick your tongue down every girl's throat at a party," Kayla retorted. I roll my eyes.
"Ok, turning around," Amy grabbed my shoulders (with difficulty) and spun me around. I tended slightly at her touch, before relaxing and shoving my hands in my pockets. Amy resumed her spot next to me, bumping into me slightly. I didn't mind, but I shoved her back. She tripped over her shoes, and fell onto the sand. She screamed lightly, and scrambled back up when the ocean started rolling in.
"Are you ok?" I went into protective boyfriend mode, despite the others around me. Amy nodded, brushing sand off her pink jeans.
"What happened?" Kayla managed between laughs.
"Just tripped," Amy said, slipping a smile at me. Kayla continued laughing as we walked on.

"Hey," I walked into Kayla and Amy's room.
"Heyyy," Kayla was sitting on the floor looking through her suitcase.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Trying to find something for the dance," Kayla held up a pair of jeans. As she put them in the bed, Amy came out of the shower.
"Oh, Jesse," She wrapped the towel tighter around her body.
"Hey. Do you want me to?" I pointed to the door. She nodded sheepishly. I left and went back to my dorm, grabbing a Coke and cracking it open.
"Hey, we're going to the hall to play basketball with the boys. You coming?" Sonny pulled on a shirt.
"Nah, not today," I sipped at my Coke. Sonny shrugged and banged on the bathroom door.
"Oi! Warren! Get out!" He demanded. An annoyed Warren stuck his head out.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," He bustled out the door with Sonny on his tail. I pulled out my phone and clicked on Baby 🩵.
The boys are gone to play basketball, so they won't be back till after the dance, we'll see them there. You wanna come over?
I can't, sorry. After the dance though???
I sighed. At least I can see her all dressed up. I threw on a new shirt and pants, walking down to the hall to help set up. I spotted the boys in there plugging the speakers in and connecting them.
"How does this work?" Warren looked up at Sonny, cord in hand.
"Who put Warren in charge of this?" I complained. "Watch," I took the cord and pushed it into the back of the speaker. "Simple. You fucking idiot," Warren jumped at me, pushing me to the ground and wrestling me. Of course he was losing, but this was fun.
"Ugh, who let the animals in?" Kayla's voice rang through.
"Please guys, it's kinda disgusting this floor," Amy's voice came afterwards. I smiled, and looked up to see her wearing a gorgeous outfit that made her look cute and mature. Exactly like she is. Dammit, when are we going public? Jesse, stop. We agreed to stay private, it's for the best.
"Alright, alright, we're up," I defended, grabbing Warren's arm and yanking him up.
"Hey, Kay, what's does this work?" Sonny asked.
"Oh, here...h...Hudson," Amy walked over nervously. I noticed she looked uncomfortable next to Sonny as he bent over the phone and sound system with her. So I walked over to them and reached over, pointing at something, making sure I brushed her hand. I saw her relax as I touched her hand, and I instantly felt happy that she was relaxed. I hate it when she isn't comfy, isn't happy, is anything but feeling ok. Fuck, Amy. One relationship with someone and she's my whole world. Wait, what? I don't love her. She just takes a big place in my heart. Fuck, Jesse, shut up.
"And then you press that," Amy finished showing Hudson what to do.
"Oh, thanks. That was really simple. Now I feel like an idiot," Sonny laughed, and Amy laughed along. She turned to me when Sonny wasn't looking and mouthed 'thank you'. I winked at her.

"Alright, alright! Year 11's, choose your buses!" Mr Hamp called out. Amy, Hudson, Kayla, Warren and I jumped up and sped to the small bus, the one we were in before. The smaller the bus, the less year 7's and other people.
"Hey, Ames, can I sit with Sonny?" Kayla asked Amy as we shuffled onto the bus. Amy nodded, and turned back to me.
"Jesse, I'm begging you, please can I sit with you?" She pleads. I tell her yes, as Warren isn't exactly the most pleasant to sit next to. She sits down and I place myself next to her, shoving my bag down at my feet.
"Thanks," She pushes her bag down as well.
"Of course, Warren ain't easy to sit next to. Especially on a bus ride home at 6pm," Amy laughed, and bit her lip, hair falling over one side. God she's cute. Then Amy leans over to grab something from Kayla, and unfortunately her chest hits my pants. In an area. Oh shit, please not right now. I held my hands over my...growing...I'm not finishing that sentence. I think Amy noticed, because she burned red.
"I...I," She whispered, hand over her mouth.
"Calm down, it's fine," I reassured her. She sank into the chair, and turned to look out the window.
"You're just to pretty," I leant into her ear and whispered.
"Jesse," She rolled her eyes. "I am not," I shook my head, and turned away, ending the conversation.

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