Can I Kill Heather? (His POV)

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I walked away from Amy, heading back to my table where Warren and Falcon were.
"The fuck did you go, mate?" Warren asks, taking a bite out of his burger.
"Get your nose out of my business, dick," I retorted, eating a few of my hot chips.
"Mm, you went over to Amy Weddler. I'm allowed to question my friends when they walk over to their lifelong crush and steal their food," He pointed out.
"Fuck off mate," Warren held up his hands in surrender.
"Why haven't we gotten these burgers before? They're really fucking good," Falcon says.
"And really fucking expensive," I add. He nods. I look around the Year 11 eating area, and catch the familiar sight of Heather and her minions walking around harassing people. Bitches. This time though, they head in the direction of Amy. If they fucking touch her...never mind, I can't anyway. Don't want people getting suspicious. Fuck this secret relationship! As they hounded Amy, I saw tears overflow and pour out of her eyes, and every fibre in my being aches to protect her, but I can't. Thank god I see Kayla break into a run over to Amy, Hudson following. Fuck me. I shouldn't have done that. I'll have to go over this arvo. I pull out my phone.

Hey wyd this arvo?

Hey, not much, just reading and hanging at home. Mum has some dinner with Helen and Jayden, I think? Is it Mrs Campbell's birthday????

Yeah I think dad said something about that so your mum won't be there?

Whatever she's doing she won't be there, no.

Sweet coming over later

Okay 💖


"Who you texting? That new girlfriend of yours?" Falcon asks.
"Yeah what's up with that? You've taken multiple pics with some girl, saying 'hanging with bae' and shit like that. She your girlfriend?" I nod.
"Yep, but there's no way in hell you'll ever now who she is."
"Aw, fuck off mate. Gotta ruin the fun, eh?" I roll my eyes.
"Whoever she is, she looks hot af. That body," He makes a face, nodding. It makes my blood boil. Is this what guys actually think of Amy? Disgusting pricks.
"Hey, you're sitting in front of her boyfriend here, maybe take it down. We'll chat later," Falcon winks. I punch his shoulder.
"Man-whore," Falcon returns. I snort.

"Oh my god, Amy, bunny, I'm so sorry, I won't ever do it again, I promise I wanted to help, but I couldn't and...I...I just can't tell you how sorry I am. I take full blame." I bundle Amy up in my arms, burying my face in her hair. "I'm so so,"
"Jesse, calm down," She whispers. I pull away, and she placed a hand on my cheek. "I'm fine." She smiles encouragingly.
"But, bunny, they made you cry! I promise I will slice them to bits the moment we go public. If we do. I...I just...oh baby, you don't know how sorry I am!"
"Jesse." She says sternly. "You didn't do anything, ok? Calm down, there's no need to apologise! I cried yes, but this happens regularly, it doesn't affect me," She tried to reassure me. It didn't help.
"This happens regularly?" She bit her lip.
"Wrong thing to say," She mumbled. "Stop stressing! Everybody knows that a) you wouldn't date me porque estoy bien yo and b) we grew up together, therefore allowing you to do what you did without dating me!" {because I'm well, me} I growl angrily and scoop her up into a kiss. God, the things her Spanish does to me.
"Jesse, I need you to know that you don't have to protect me. I'm a big girl, as much as don't realise it," She smiled.
"I just don't like that I can't protect you from those bitches. Also, you said therefore." I said teasingly. She knew she talked formally all the time and that me commenting on it made her embarrassed. Red creeped to her cheeks.
"Oh, dios mio, eres tan insoportable!" {Oh my god, you are so unbearable} She groaned.
"I promise I won't do what I did today again." I said firmly.
"You can, just not so often." I nodded. She had this power over me, able to calm me with one word, touch. Able to make me never look at another girl. I pressed my forehead to hers. She smelled like she always did, like warm cookies and butterscotch. She pulled me over to the mirror, where she wrapped my arm around her chest, while I faced away from the mirror. She took the photo, making sure her face was concealed.
"Me pregunto si podria robarle esto," {I wonder if I could steal this off him} She whispered in Spanish.
"Would you please talk in English or at least explain what it means?" I asked her. She bit her lip.
"Uh, fine, English. But don't blame me if I suddenly talk Spanish, it's just instinct for me," She defended.
"Ok," I grumbled. I loved her talking Spanish, it was just when she didn't tell me what it meant that annoyed me.
"Jesse! Guess what?" She bounced up and down.
"What? What?" I bounced with her for a second, laughing.
"I got 100% on my maths test!" She clapped her hands and smiled widely at me.
"Baby! That's awesome!" I kissed her forehead. She jumped up and down a few more times. I pulled her down and hugged her, feeling her kiss my neck.
"Thank you Jesse. For being excited about stupid things," She laughed.
"It's not stupid, bunny," I kissed her head.
"I'm starving, you want some food?" She asked. I nodded gratefully. She took my hand and we went downstairs, to eat.
"What's for dinner?" She asked. I froze.
"Uh, I could get takeaway? I can't really cook..."
"Jesse, calm down. I'll cook," She laughed. She went to the fridge and began pulling out different ingredients, some I recognised, some I did not. "I assume you'll be fine with whatever I cook, right? Mexican and Spanish food is definitely different from Australian cuisine," I nodded.
"I've tasted your baking, granted without permission, and it was pretty fucking good. How different can your food be?" I asked. She laughed. "What?"
"You said granted," She giggled. I rolled my eyes at her. "I'm turning you into a male me."

An hour later and we were seated with something called 'pollo al ajillo' in front of us.
"Relax, pollo al ajillo just means garlic chicken," I think she noticed I was staring at this food with a certain look on my face.
"Oh, ok," She dug in, and I took a bite of the chicken in front of me.
"Shit, this is fucking amazing!" I wolfed down some more.
"I don't know if I'm happy you like it, or offended you didn't think it would be good," She snickered.
"Shut up," She turned happily to her plate and kept eating.

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