Chapter 1

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"Please, wake up. You can't leave me just like that," someone whispered in my left ear.

"I won't," I said without even knowing who it was. I opened my eyes slowly and I saw a man standing by my side with tears on his face. When he realized that I was awake he smiled.

"I'm sorry," he said as he wiped the tears off.

"You don't have to be sorry, we cry you know? We're all human beings." I said smiling. He laughed. His face looks familiar but I don't recognize him, is it too impolite if I ask? Maybe, but wouldn't it be worst if I am here with a stranger? I came to a conclusion and the words slipped out of my mouth: "Who are you?"

"I'm James, don't you remember?" he answered with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"No," I said "I don't." The smile on his face erased. I kept thinking why I couldn't remember, but I couldn't find an answer.

"Can I ask you something?" James said driving his eyes to mine. They were light green with a touch of blue, very rare to find but beautiful in its own way.

"Sure," I said trying to look away.

"Do you remem-" A man with a white coat entered the room interrupting our conversation.

"Miss Matthews, you woke up?" He said amazed "That's great news for you and for your family!"

"Hmm, yes it is great news," I said with a forced smile. "Who are you?"I said sounding annoyed.

"I'm your doctor, Mr.Patricks...I'm the one who did your surgery," he answered.

"What?" I said confused "What happened? Surgery? What's up with that?" Many questions popped into my head with just one word, too many to be answered.

"You had an accident Miss Matthews. You were at the bus stop with a friend, and suddenly a car ran over you," he explained "You can't remember anything because the accident affected your brain's memory."

"So if the accident affected my memory, would I be able to remember something ever again?" I asked with a worried look.

"I'm not so sure about that," Mr. Patricks said "Your brain itself is really damaged, it's so damaged that we thought you were not going to be able to wake up."

"Well, I did woke up. If I was able to do that, then I believe I will be able to remember something." I said.

"Well, it's nice to hear that." He said grinning "To accomplish your goal you have to follow this simple rules: First, you are going to come here every week to check you out. Second, you have to stay here for a few more days. And third, you are not going to lose hope. Deal?"

"Deal." I smiled. Mr. Patricks left the room so he could set everything up, and James got out to pick up a call.

"Hey, I have to leave. See you later, okay?" James said grabbing his navy blue coat.


Now that I think about it, who is James? What is his relationship with me? Why was he crying? Maybe he is a really close friend of mine that was worried enough to cry. Maybe we were more than friends and he thought he had lost his loved one. There are so many possibilities, but just one of them is true. It's amazing how can you have so many memories in a lifetime but lose them all on an instant.

"Miss Matthews?" a girl in a white dress asked "Mr. Patricks wants to see you."

"Where can I find him?"

"Floor 3, room 12-B."


I headed to Mr. Patricks office in my white gown and in a pair of slippers. As I walked through the hallways everyone stared at me with a weird look. Why? Maybe it was because the could see my butt. I laughed. Wait... Oh no! They could actually see my butt! I sped up my pace and I tried to reach the elevator as fast as I could. When I got in, I pressed the button that said F3 wanting the doors to close quickly. When the doors were finally closing, some random guy stepped in and almost fell on me. He pulled my gown down almost taking it off from me.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm really sorry." He said turning around, not looking at me. Maybe he was embarrassed, or maybe he just didn't want to see me.

"You almost left me naked!" I said sounding pissed.

"That was an accident. I'm really sorry."

"Well, why were you in such a rush?"

"Visiting hours are closed in less than fifteen minutes and I haven't come to meet my girlfriend. She is in coma right now, and they don't think she could wake up. All I can do for her is wait."

"What is her name?"

The elevator bell rang and the doors open. He ran out as fast as he could and said: "I'll tell you next time! I don't want to be late!"

The bell rang again. This time for me to come out. I stepped out the elevator and I covered my butt with my hands, I didn't want that  to happen again. I walked through the hallways looking for the room 12-B. When I found it I entered and said: "Excuse me, were you looking for me?"

"Take a seat Miss Matthews."

"Why did you call me?"

"We have to check you out since you woke up."


Mr. Patricks was pulling out a bunch of needles out of his equipment desk. One had a blue cap on the top, the other had a red cap and the last one had a green cap. All of the needles were about 8 centimeters long.

"Do you want a ball?" Mr. Patricks asked.

"Yes, please."

"I am going to take enough blood to fill these three containers, okay?"

"Sure, whatever you need."

"Relax. You'll feel less pain."


"This may take a while, anything you want to ask me?"

"You said something about my family earlier. Where are they?"

"They said they had to go. They had been here since you had the accident. They'll come by tomorrow."

"They didn't tell you why they had to leave?"

"No, they just left."

"Okay. Then, what about my accident? Do you know something about that? What happened? Anything could help."

No answer.

"I'm sorry if that question made you uncomfortable--I just wanted information you know? It's weird waking up and not remembering anything but just the basic."

"We're done. You can leave know."

"That's it? Okay then, but...I still need an answer."

Mr. Patricks stayed quiet, no answer, not even a look. Was 'the accident' not an accident? And if it was not an accident, does he have something to do with it?

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