Wildest Dreams🦋

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Album: 1989 (Taylor's Version)

"Let's get out of this town."


"Y'know, drive out of the city, get away from the crowds."

I looked at him carefully. "Now?"

Perseus Jackson grinned at me with a look in his eyes that made my cheeks heat up.

Gods, I thought. Heaven can't help me now...

"Why not? We can go to a place where no one cares who we are, relax a bit. Whaddya say, Annabeth?"

After a moment of indecision, the most stupid words I could've said left my mouth: "Let's do it."

. . .

Approximately 4 hours, 2 gas stations, and gods know how many coffees later, we were there. A small place in Las Vegas called the Lotus Hotel and Casino where the staff was too nice and the customers were too distracted to notice who we were.

"Two rooms, please," Percy told the receptionist.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we only have one room available right now."

He glanced at me and whispered, "Okay with you?"

His lips brushed my ear, just a ghost of a touch, yet it was enough to send shivers down my spine. Distracted, I said, "Y-yeah. Fine with me."

Percy turned back to the woman behind the desk who was looking at me with an amused expression. "Yes, that's fine."

"Alright then. Just scan here..."

The rest of what she said faded away as I watched Percy. It was ridiculous how good-looking the man was. He's so tall and handsome as hell...

"Beth? Annabeth? Earth to Annabeth? We're good to go." Said man waved a hand in front of my face.

"Hm- What?" I snapped out of my daze. "Oh, okay. Um, thanks," I told the receptionist, who looked like she knew something I didn't.

"It was no problem." She smiled and winked before turning away.

. . .


I shook my head. "No. No! This is not why we're here, not why I'm here, and it... it'll mess everything up. Everything. I can't..."

He watched me carefully. "You- never mind. You're right, it was a stupid idea." Percy turned his gaze away, and I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Why, I didn't know. Gods, he always made my mind mush.

I fought against it for a second, the small part of my brain that still thought logically refusing to back down... But somehow this boy always managed to pull words I didn't want to say out of my mouth, make me do things I never thought I'd do. Before I could stop myself, I was already in motion. A hand reached out to pull Percy towards me.

Our lips touched, and it was like a page out of a romance novel, sparks flying and all. Unlike anything else.

I could see the end as it begun, but I couldn't stop myself.

"I thought-" he gasped against my mouth.

"No one has to know what we do."

And then his hands were in my hair, clothes were on the floor. His voice became a familiar sound.

Nothing lasts forever, the voice in the back of my head whispered.

Shut up, I told it. This is getting good now.

. . .

"And... CUT! Great job everyone! That's a wrap!"

Everyone started packing up, tears flowing, people hugging. It was the last day of shooting for Peter Johnson: The Final Goddess, and we were all saying goodbye.

"Bye, Annabeth," Percy smiled, a note of sadness lingering in his eyes.

"I have one condition," I said, pulling Percy towards me.


"My last request... it is... Say you'll remember me," I murmured into Percy's ear once everybody had gone, leaving the two of us standing there. "Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset."


"No. Don't call me that when you know you can't. Say you'll see me again, even if just in your wildest dreams. Okay?"

"In my wildest dreams?"


"Yeah," Percy said, looking at me. "How could I forget? I'll see you in hindsight, tangled up with me all night."

"Burning it down?" I smiled softly.

"These memories will follow me around."

"Then say it," I said. "Say you'll remember me."

"I'll remember you standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset, babe. With red lips and rosy cheeks. I'll see you again, even if it's just pretend. Even if it's just in my wildest dreams."

"In your wildest dreams."

Percabeth (Taylor's Version)Where stories live. Discover now