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"Fortune!" I shout at my brother who let the elevator close on me.

I sigh and set the last box to be moved into our new apartment down on the granite floor. I pace back and forth patiently, waiting for the elevator to come back down. I guess I can't be too mad at him. He dropped everything back in London to come help Andy and I settle into our new apartment.

I'm just flustered. This is a big chance that I'm taking in my music career, but I'm grateful to have the most understanding and encouraging fans in the world. Without their love and support I wouldn't be where I am today.

"Calm down Mika," Fortune says as the elevator door opens back up.

I glare at him and pick up the box. As I enter the elevator Andy jumps out of the corner and scares the shit out of me. I drop the box and hear whatever was in there break. I stand in the middle of the elevator glaring at him.

"Oh my god Mika," Andy laughs. Fortune is in the other corner trying not to laugh, but fails.

"What the hell was in that?" Fortune asks.

I bend down and open the box. "Pictures and some random things." I tell them. I close the box back up and exit the elevator with them on the fifth floor.

As we turn the corner and walk to our new home, apartment 5A, I notice two younger males sitting at the end of the hall just in front of apartment 5B. One of them glances at me and waves. The other looks over and dismisses me. I give the friendlier one a smile before entering the apartment.

"The one that almost killed you with his glare is deaf," Fortune tells me.

"How do you know?" I ask as I sit the box on the counter.

"They were signing to each other, but the one that waved to you heard us come around the corner," Fortune replies, but then thinks for a second. "Well maybe he just saw us. Maybe they are both deaf. I don't know."

"You are something else Fort," I tell him as I sit at the counter.

"Mika," Andy says as he walks into the kitchen.

"What?" I mumble.

"Which room did you want again?"

"The one without windows for the tenth time," I tell him.

"Why are you so moody today?" Fortune asks me as Andy walks away.

"I'm just exhausted," I sigh as I rest my head on the counter.

"Well stop being a dick to Andy. He didn't do anything," he tells me before leaving the kitchen.

I sigh and head to the bedroom. Andy is sitting on the floor re-folding some clothes. I sit next to him.

"I'm sorry Andy," I tell him.

"It's alright. I know you're stressed. This is a big change for not just you, but for me. Plus, Fortune is thinking of moving out here," he replies.

"Seriously?" I ask excitedly. "Why hasn't he said anything to me?" I ask feeling left out.

Andy shrugs. "Probably didn't want to create more stress for you." I lay back on the hardwood floor. Fortune then walks into the room.

"You do know that you have a bed, right?" Fortune asks.

I shake my head as I sit up.

"Well do you want me to go get something for us to eat? Or did you want to go to the grocery?"

"Let's go get some groceries," I tell him as I stand up. "You staying?" I ask Andy. He nods his head. I lean down and kiss the top of his head before leaving.

As I exit the apartment with Fortune I run straight into someone. Well not just anyone. I smashed foreheads with one of the boys that were sitting in the hallway earlier.

"Fuck," I shout as I rub my forehead. "Are you okay?" I ask the blonde boy in front of me who is rubbing his forehead.

"Emmett!" The other blonde shouts from down the hall as he starts towards us. "Are you alright?" He asks what looks like his twin. The other one, Emmett, nods. "What's your issue?!" He says as he now turns to me and shoves me back. Fortune keeps me balanced and then pushes him.

"What's yours?!" Fortune spits back.

"I'm not the one who smashed into my brother!"

"I'm sorry," I tell him. "Are you okay?" I ask Emmett again.

"He's deaf you idiot!"

"How was I supposed to know that?" I ask him.

"Maybe when he didn't respond to you?"

"I didn't know," I tell him. "Is he okay?"

The boy signs to his brother and then turns back to me, "he's fine. Now leave us alone," he tells me as they head back to the end of the hallway and sit.

Fortune starts heading towards the elevator, but I don't. I stare at them for a couple seconds before heading down toward them. The annoying one sighs as he sees me approach them.

"Why are you two sitting in the hall? Is this a regular thing?" I ask them curiously.

"If we lock ourselves out of the apartment it is," he tells me.

"Don't you have a key? And where's your parents?" I ask. Fortune is now by my side.

"We usually go ask Mrs. Thomas in apartment 5C, but she's at her doctors appointment. Our dad is out," he tells me.

"You should carry a key," I tell him.

"I have one, but we always forget it. Is that okay? Does it bother you that we sit here?"

"Why are you so rude?" I ask as I cross my arms.

"Why do you care?!"

"What's your name?" Fortune asks.

"Ezra," he tells us.

"Well Ezra, my names is Fortune. This is my brother Mika. We're your new neighbors and we were just curious. Sorry," Fortune says to him. Sometimes I forget how patient Fortune can be. Well, when he wants to be. If he wasn't here I'd probably flip out on this kid.

"I'm sorry for being rude," Ezra says. "I'm just kind of hungry," he chuckles. "And mad at myself for forgetting the key, again."

"It's okay," I tell him. "When's your father supposed to be home?" I ask.

"No idea."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Ezra shrugs. "He never said when he'd be home."

"Well that's not right," Fortune says.

"Does he have a phone that you could call?" I ask.

Ezra nods. I then hand him my phone.

"Dad, it's Ezra. We locked ourselves out of the apartment again. Please come home or call me back," he says before handing me the phone back.

"Didn't answer?" I ask.

"Nope," he replies.

"Well we were going to go get some groceries. Did you two want to come or go eat somewhere?" I ask.

"You sure?"

"Yea," I tell him. The two boys stand and follow us to the elevator. "Oh, let me go tell Andy that we'll be a little longer." I tell them before heading back to the apartment.

I go to open the door and surprise! It's locked. Now I'm kind of embarrassed for questioning them about locking themselves out. I knock on the door, but Andy doesn't answer. So, I settle with texting him what was going on. He didn't respond, so we just left.

The Mystery of the Man in Apartment 5BWhere stories live. Discover now