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"Marry me," Michael says to me as he straddles me on he beach. The salt water is still dripping from his toned body onto mine.

"Why?" I ask as I mess his hair up some more.

"Because I said so," he chuckles before leaning down and connecting our lips.

Michael then starts to grind against me. At some point he pinned my arms above my head with one hand and he's grabbing me with the other. I moan into the kiss, but when I open my eyes again my vision is blurry.

My vision starts to fade into black. The intense grinding seems to halt and the tight grip on my wrists releases. Then everything is silent.

I close my eyes and then slowly open them again. As my vision starts to clear again I notice that I'm on a sofa. And I'm not alone.

Michael is tightly wrapped around me. His head is resting on my chest. He's still in his suit.

It was a dream. Damn.

"Hey," Michael mumbles into my chest.

"Hey," I chuckle. "I don't remember moving to the sofa," I tell him.

"Me neither," he replies.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask as I run my fingers through his hair.

"Whenever I'm around you I feel better," he tells me.

I feel myself blush a bit, but then my phone goes off. I sigh as Michael sits up. I sit up and grab my phones from the coffee table.

"Yes Andy?" I answer.

"Where the hell are you?" Andy asks rather rudely.

"It's none of your business," I snap.

Michael stands and heads to the kitchen.

"If you're with him-" Andy starts, but I quickly cut him off as I stand and go to the kitchen.

"I am with him Andy. And guess what? I'm not with you. I'm fucking sick of this. You only want me when it benefits you or if someone else notices me. I'm fucking done," I tell him and then hang up.

Michael leans against the counter. His expression is blank. I can't read him.

"So," he says.

"So, shut up and kiss me," I tell him as I push him against the counter and attach my lips to his and my hands to his face. He smiles into the kiss and pulls me tighter against him.

I part the kiss and rest my forehead against his, "so," he chuckles.

"Shut up," I tell him and then peck his lips again.

"You didn't leave him for me did you?" Michael asks.

"What if I did?" I ask.

"Then don't," he sighs. "I'm not going to be he reason you two split up."

"You're not the only reason. All the reasons I have he caused. I really like-"

"Stop," Michael says. He tries to push me away, but I stand my ground.

"You stop," I tell him. "Don't you like me?"

"I do."

"But what?" I ask.

"I don't know Mika," he says.

"Well when you figure it out come find me," I tell him before quickly leaving the apartment.

(Michael's POV)

I don't know why I let him leave. Maybe I'm scared. Scared of being in another relationship. I haven't had the greatest relationships. I'm always the one getting my heart broken and I can't stand another heartbreak.

It's about 2AM when Mika calls me. "Hello?" I answer tiredly as I rub my eyes.

I can hear Mika laughing. At what? I don't know.

"Mika?" I ask.

"Love where do we live?" Mika laughs into the phone.

Love? I think he thinks he called Andy.

"Are you walking or taking a cab?" I ask him as I sit up in bed and rub my neck.

"Taking a cab love," Mika slurs.

So, definitely trashed.

"Give the phone to the cab driver," I tell him.

Mika giggles as he hands the phone over. I tell the cab driver where we live, but tell him to drive Mika around the block a couple extra times. Apparently he's only just down the block, so why not mess with him a bit?

I wait patiently outside of the apartment building for him. As the cab pulls up Mika stumbles out. I make sure he paid the driver before helping him to the elevator.

In the elevator he leans against me. His head rests on my right shoulder. "I missed you love," he slurs to me as he wraps his arms around my waist. I love the feeling of his arms around me, but I slip his arms off of me.

"You're drunk," I say, but more to myself.

"I love you," he tells me as his head stays against my shoulder. Now he must think that I'm Andy.

As the elevator dings Mika leans more on me as I try to guide him to his apartment. Once we reach his door I lean him against the wall. He slides down to the floor as I knock on the door.

"Hey," a tired Fortune answers as he rubs his eyes.

"I think you lost something," I tell him as I point to a now sleeping Mika on the floor.

Fortune sighs and opens the door all the way. I pick Mika up and bring him to his room. Andy is sitting up in the bed as I enter. He gives me a death glare as I place Mika onto the bed. I give him a little nod before attempting to leave.

"What's your issue?" Andy asks me as he chases me to the living room.

"Nothing. He called me drunk. I just helped him get home," I tell him.

"Stay the fuck away from him!" Andy shouts.

Fortune stands in-between us. Even though I don't think he could defend a fly. He's half asleep.

"No problem," I tell Andy.

"I mean it!" Andy shouts.

"Okay," I tell him as I make my way to the door.

Andy is quick to shut the door before I can leave. He then yanks me back and shoves me against the wall. "Touch him again," Andy starts and then punches me in the gut before continuing. "And you'll regret it," he finishes before punching me again.

"Yup," I tell him as I grab my stomach. "You're welcome," I say as I make my way to the door.

"Fuck you," he says as he slams the door in my face.

Once I make it to my room I fall to the bed and grab my stomach. He's definitely got a mean punch. Unfortunately avoiding Mika is going to be harder than he thinks.

The Mystery of the Man in Apartment 5BWhere stories live. Discover now