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Ezra and Emmett trailed behind Fortune and I to a cafe down the street. It was a smaller cafe and thankfully not too busy. Hopefully we can eat our meal in peace.

"So, did you just move to New York?" Ezra asks us after we placed our orders to a not-so-friendly waitress.

I nod as I finish taking a drink of my water. "Yea. I'm actually going to be starting a production pretty soon. Thought we'd settle in before everything starts to get crazy."

"Like Broadway?" Ezra asks curiously.

"Exactly," I tell him.

"Well that's cool," he replies.

Emmett then signs something to Ezra. Ezra laughs. I give them a confused look.

"Nothing," Ezra laughs.

I roll my eyes at he two. I then receive a phone call from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Who's this?"

"Um...you called me," I reply.

"My son called," he says. "Ezra, is he there?"

"Yes. One second," I tell him as I hand the phone to Ezra. "It's your dad."

Ezra nods and takes the phone. "Dad? We're fine...yes..." Ezra says as he rolls his eyes. "Dad..."

Ezra signs something to Emmett again. Emmett nods.

"We're on our way," Ezra tells his father before hanging up and handing me back my phone. He then stands up with Ezra. "Thanks for lunch," he says as he extends his hand.

I stand and shake it. "See you around?" I ask.

Ezra nods before the two take off.


"Wait," Fortune says as we exit the elevator with the groceries. "How are we going to get into the apartment?" Fortune laughs as we round the corner.

"Fuck," I mumble as I set the groceries down on front of the apartment door. Fortune laughs as I bang on the door. He tries to call Andy, but Andy doesn't respond.

"He's probably passed out," Fortune says as he sits on the floor.

"You think he'd hear us knocking though," I tell him as I sit down next to him.

I hear a door open down the hall, so I look that way. It's apartment 5B. A tall man with black hair and dark-rimmed glasses steps out.

He's wearing blue jeans, converse sneakers, and a tight-fitting black t-shirt. As he walked closer to us our eyes connected. His eyes are a dark brown. Darker than I've ever seen. I could get lost in them.

"Lock yourself out?" He chuckles as he stops in front of us and crosses his arms, not in a rude way, but a amazingly sexy way.

"Yes," I reply shyly as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Want some help?"

I give him a confused look.

"Well I used to be a locksmith," he chuckles. "I can help you get in."

"Oh my god thank you!" Fortune says happily as he jumps up and hugs he man.

"Calm down Fort," I tell him as I stand up. Fortune lets go of the man, but keeps his smile.

"My ice cream is melting," Fortune mumbles.

The man laughs at him. "I'll be right back," he says before heading back to his apartment.

The Mystery of the Man in Apartment 5BWhere stories live. Discover now