His heart beat (Mitsubas pov am i going insane, yes i am,)

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Well... Apparently, if you confess to someone on Valentine's Day, when the curse is at it's peak-....

Still February 13 right where we left off.

As I walked away I didn't go to nene for the rest of the lunch break. I ran out of school. I ran and ran and ran. I eventually stopped at a convenience store and bought a snack. Some flan, though... kou makes it better...

I MEAN SCREW THAT LOSER! I DONT CARE ABOUT HIM! I kept running until I made it to a nice and quiet park. It was nice and calm not to mention far enough from kou. I love him and I want to see him again but if i do... oh what the hell! Who needs a jerk like him! "You do" the voice in my head says.

The second it did my phone rang, almost like magic. Nene was calling me? I pick up (pick up what? Bitches?) "Mitsuba?" She says like she's about to scold me. "Yes?..." I responded a little frightened by her tone.

"What did you do?" She asks like she's dealt with my bullshit 200+ times, which she probably did. "I didn't-..actually.... can you cut class and meet up with me?" I say like "im not praying the universe will have mercy after the love of my life just rejected me." Oh. I just said that out loud...

"KOU DID WHAT?" She yells in the phone. "SEND ME YOUR LOCATION RIGHT NOW" She continues yelling. "Okay.. just don't tell-" Is all i managed to get out. "Kou. I know mitsuba! I wouldn't do that to you!" She answers reassuringly.

"Mhm!" I say as i hold back my tears trying to calm down but 5 minutes later when she arrives, I go running into her arms and start sobbing before even greeting her. She pats my back and like any good friend would she starts calming me down and i tell her what happened.

"Oh mitsuba. You never realized did you." She says as she smiles with tears in hear eyes "What?" I ask, I suddenly want to smile as well. I know and love her like a sister so I knew that seeing her smile so purely meant good news and before I knew it I was smiling too.

"I can't tell you. I promised I wouldn't but." Her voice traces off as I begin to slightly panic. "Just go for your original plan. No side no back up. Just yourself." Her words inspired me. "W-well what if... I wrote him a song?... Kou once told me he's a sucker for a good song..." I responded with a grin.

"Thats a wonderful idea!" She beams her smile at me. "Wait never mind thats too complicated." "Do you think a poem would work?" I say a little nervous. "Yes! If it's from you how could he not love it!?" I smile a big and wide smile. Kinda how I do when im with kou.

"So can I go home with you tonight? I kinda lied and said I was gonna be at your place." I say with a sniffle. "You're lucky I love you!" She says trying to lighten the mood. "You owe me now!" She says with a snicker. "Along with the other ones?" I ask "yep." She oh so rudely responded. "Whatever" I responded with a slight chuckle.

A good thirty minutes later we arrived at her apartment. Thank goodness her parents work and aren't here in the daytime. We spent that whole day planning my confession out. It was super hard but im proud of my results. In the end I wrote him a love letter.

February 13th

     Dear kou,

I really really just need you to know that I care deeply about you. In a way I never have for anyone else. I think of you all the time. I want to be there for you. Make you feel loved and appreciated, like I feel with you. Whenever I think of you, you're smiles, you're warm laughter. I feel happy. I feel my love for you. What I'm saying is I love you. Not like a friend, but as a potential lover. I love you Kou Minamoto. I've loved you since that one Valentine's Day in the fourth grade. As cliché as this letter sounds, its the truth. Im owning my true feelings to you.

Mitsuba Sousuke

I felt proud and all happy before I put it on the envelope me and Nene spent all day on. But now, its bed time. "Good night Nene, I love you." I say warmly. "What" she says in a state of shock. "You know what i mean Nene! You're like... my older all knowing sister!" I giggle slightly. "Well then I love you too little brother!" "Sleep well!" She giggles as well.

Valentine's Day, when the curse is at it's peak, you and your loved one become one. What does that mean? Im not sure but-...

(A/n: Next part is the last part. I think lol.)

Word count: 847

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