Chapter 4: Acceptance

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___Amber's POV___

I woke up to the sound of talking and rustling. I sat up in bed looking around the small cabin. I didn't remember coming back from the beach last night. How did I get here? I must've walked and been so tired I had forgotten. 

I got up from the bed, stretching and put my boots back on.I walked outside seeing boys walking around busying themselves with chores. There wasn't as many as usual. I looked to the big pot where Dylan usually was but he wasn't there.

"I knew you weren't dead" Jayden said running up to me breathless. 

"What?" I questioned a grin spreading across my face.

"Well we all usually wake up pretty early and then you weren't waking and everybody said you were dead but I knew you weren't" Jayden said.

He talked so quickly I didn't make out much of what he said. He was flustered. I laughed at him nicely.

"I won't die that easily here" I said even though I had my doubts.

Something flashed across Jayden face , something I couldn't comprehend. I frowned at him being curious.

"Has someone died before?" I asked.

Jayden bowed his head looking at the ground.

"Jayden" I persisted.

"We aren't meant to tell you" he said.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Well..." Jayden struggled to find the words.

"Who told you not to tell me?" I asked.

"Pan" Jayden said shyly.

Of course he did.

It would get Jayden in trouble of he told me so I stopped short and stopped asking. I turned around to look at my small cabin again wondering how I got back. Dylan must've carried me back because I didn't remember walking. 

"Where's Dylan?" I asked.

"Ohh he is at the training camp" Jayden said.

"The what?" I asked.

"Here I'll show you" Jayden said taking my hand. He pulled me through the camp and down the small path.

The path I had walked on the other night. He grabbed the sleeve of my jumper and pulled me along. Instead of walking toward the beach though he turned again into a clear patch of trees were weapons hung and a group surrounded two people brawling.

They were shouting several things like "c'mon Peter"

"Good one Dylan" someone said.

At the sound of Dylan's name I perked up. I brushed Jayden's hand off my sleeve. I pushed through the boys to see Peter on top of Dylan throwing punches.

Dylan looked seriously hurt.

Stepping forward I got ready in intervene but Jayden caught my hand.

"This is how we get stronger" he insisted. I looked back. It didn't look like Dylan was getting any stronger. He looked hurt and in pain but none of the boys were telling pan to stop.

Were they all scared stiff?

I stood helpless watching. Was this what usually happened?

"You know pan is only doing this because of you" Felix said walking up behind me.

He wore a smirk on his face.

"Pan never fights with us because he is too good" Felix continued.

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