Chapter 5: Darkness into light

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___Ambriel's POV___

By the third night of night shift I thought I would be falling asleep anywhere but after that nightmare I liked being awake more. It caused shivers through my spine every time I looked at Dylan or Peter.

I actively avoided the both of them for days. I couldn't shake the visions of the nightmare every time I saw Dylan. It all felt so real. Peter didn't seem to mind me not talking to him but it annoyed Dylan. Dylan asked every few minutes if I was ok. I answered truthfully every time with a one word answer.

"Yeah" I would say.

I had managed to skip some of my meals to give to Dylan so that he could get his strength back. He was badly hurt after the fight he had and I didn't need the meals as much.

Dylan didn't know that I was giving him my dinner and neither did Peter. The sun dawned up over the horizon and boys started to move about.

I let out a sigh making my way to my cabin. My legs felt shaky but I ignored it.Seeing Dylan shuffle his way out of his tent caused me to hurry to my small cabin closing the door behind me.

The third night shift was over and I collapsed into bed. I didn't bother taking of my boots or clothes.

Strangely I wasn't tired but my body was. Grinning seeing my bed as I walked in to the cabin. My small bed but it was the best thing I could see right now.

I slumped half on and half off the the bed letting my leg hand lazily off the side. I lay my head on my pillow and finally relaxed. I sank more into the bed feeling myself slip into sleep.

I closed my eyes praying I wouldn't have another nightmare and drifted off to sleep.

"Finally" I whispered to myself.

"HEY GET UP" Peter's voice boomed trough my cabin. I raised my head slowly groaning as I did.

He stood at my door with his usual stone cold expression on.

"What" I said groggily.

He glared at me as if I had committed down huge crime.

"Get up , we are going fishing and I need you" Peter said walking more into the cabin.

I pushed myself up so that I was sitting and looking at Peter with pleading eyes. He didn't notice.

"Hurry" he said.

I hung my head and groaned again before standing up. I stumbled slightly feeling the room spin.

"C'mon I haven't got all day" he said holding the door for me.

I sighed and shook the dizziness out of my head. I walked out of the small cabin letting the cold air outside hot against my face.

It didn't wake me up.

I walked on following Peter who walked down the small path.

Dylan and Felix walked behind me.

Felix glared at me. I wondered why he hated me so much? I hadn't done anything to him.

Black dots swirled into my vision and I tripped a small bit. I failed to get my balance again.

Someone caught my arm instantly. I looked back at Dylan who had a worried expression on his face.

He cuts from the fight were fading away making his face more beautiful then usual.

"Hey are you ok?" Dylan said.

He had a firm grip on my arm only reminded me off my nightmare. I pulled away smiling.

"Im fine" I insisted even though I wasn't.

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