Chapter 2

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James sits on the sand, staring at the fire in front of him. Things have turned to utter shit. The plane he, Jeremy, and Richard were on, has crashed. Tearing apart mid-air and crashing onto some island in the middle of nowhere.

He can't find Jeremy and Richard. He searched up and down the beach and in the water for them, but they're just nowhere to be seen. Absolutely no sign of them anywhere.

Though, the rest of the plane is nowhere to be seen either. From what he can tell, only the tail section landed in the ocean, and he can only guess the rest of the plane must've landed further inland, or maybe even the other side of this damn place.

Considering Jeremy and Richard were seated around the middle of the plane (he was too, but had gotten up to use the restroom), James thinks that the two of them are wherever the rest of the plane landed. And he chooses to believe that they're both still alive. They just have to be. He's not sure what he'd do if they're both dead.

He's not sure how many hours it's been since the plane crashed, but so far, there's no sign of rescue. Which he's going to take as a good thing for now, simply because he refuses to leave this place without either of his partners. He's not leaving either of them behind, dead or alive.

Going out to look for Jeremy and Richard is something he'll have to do soon. Unfortunately, as much as he wants to go out looking for them both as soon as possible, his ankle appears to be broken, or at the very least sprained. He's not entirely sure, but his left ankle had been injured in the crash.

So unfortunately, he's been instructed by a woman by the name of Ana Lucia Cortez, one of the survivors who seems to have elected herself as group leader, has instructed him to rest, and to not put too much pressure on his injured ankle. He's very much inclined to go against her instructions and go off and look for Jeremy and Richard, injured ankle be damned.

However, he doesn't. Instead, he listens to her advice and rests his ankle. At least, for just this first night. Tomorrow however, he's headed out into the jungle to look for his two idiots.

Little does he know, he'll never get the chance to go out looking for them, as on the very first night after the crash, while everyone is asleep, they're attacked, and three of them are taken by the inhabitants of the island. However, one of the survivors, a man who calls himself Mr. Eko, manages to kill two of the attackers that were trying to take him along with the three they had taken.

So as it turns out, they're not the only people on this island, and that the people already living here seem rather hostile. Great....

Because of all this, he and the rest of the group are on edge, just waiting for these people to strike again. Which makes it difficult to find the time to go off and look for Jeremy and Richard.

After the attack on the first night of the crash, they don't come back. Not until two weeks later, where they take nine more of them, including the two children that were stranded here. Ana managed to kill one of them, a woman, and in the woman's pocket, they find a list of names. Nine names. The names of the people that had been taken.

This leads them to believe that someone among them was never on the plane. That they were already here on the island.

It also makes it much harder for James to go off and look for Jeremy and Richard, seeing as they've now moved inland off the beach, and Ana has instructed that if they need to go off somewhere, that they go off in pairs. Bloody stupid system, James thinks, but he doesn't voice his opinion. Seems Ana has a bit of a temper on her, and he's getting some vibes from her that she was in law enforcement before the crash.

It's somewhere between day fifteen and day twenty-three on the island, when they're living out in the jungle when Ana has dug out a hole in the ground and thrown who she believes is one of them inside. A man named Nathan. Honestly, James isn't even sure she's got the right person, but he's not sure Ana will listen to reason at this point.

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