- Survivor's Guilt

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Just a little one-shot to add to my Top Gear Lost AU of Andy Wilman finding out about the crash. Very hurt/no comfort, and some Andy Wilman whump.

Also technically major character death, as far as this one-shot here is concerned. Because well, and spoilers for Lost if you've not seen it, but no one off island knows what the fuck is going on, and they don't know that the plane that was found wasn't Flight 815.

Anyway, enjoy!

~ Candy


Andy didn't know what he was expecting when Porter had run into his hotel room in a panic, demanding that he turn on the TV and switch onto the news, but it certainly wasn't that he'd see breaking news of a plane crash. Or more a plane disappearance, presumed plane crash.

And it's not just any plane that's gone missing....

Oceanic Flight 815 has disappeared, and no one can find where it is.

He feels sick. Like he's going to throw up.

That plane.... It's the plane that James, Jeremy, and Richard were on. The one that they were catching to fly to Los Angeles from Sydney after they had decided to stay back in Australia for a few extra days rather than fly with the crew to America for their next lot of filming.


His friend's plane has disappeared, and all he can think about is how he should've talked them out of staying back in Australia for a bit longer rather than travelling with the crew. If he had done that, then they'd still be here.

They'd be safe, and not lost wherever the fuck their plane has disappeared to and very likely crashed.

They wouldn't potentially be dead.

He knows it's not his fault that the plane they were on has disappeared, how was he supposed to know that that would happen? But still, he can't help but blame himself for it all.

Three of his closest friends are lost, and no doubt hurt if they hadn't ended up dying in the supposed crash.

If he could turn back time to only a week prior and try and talk them out of staying behind for a few extra days, then he'd do it in a heartbeat.

Because then, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May would be here, safe and sound, and not missing and potentially dead....


He crumbles to the floor at the breaking news showing on the TV in front of him.

It feels like his heart has been shattered into a million pieces at the headline. It's the worst news that he could ever hope for these past couple months since the news that the plane James, Jeremy, and Richard were on had disappeared and presumably crashed.

The wreckage of Oceanic Flight 815 has finally been found on the bottom of the ocean.

There are no survivors....

His friends are dead....

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