He Promised Me It Wouldn't Go Wrong....

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Trevor uses all of his strength and kicks down the entrance door to the cash depot and laughs maniacally. Brad rapidly pulls out a pistol and shoots the camera. I did the same, pulling out my carbine rifle and aimed it through the windows to the room in front of me where the scared victims were. I then proceeded to shout, "Alright, everybody pays attention and no one gets hurt!" whilst the frightened victims screamed and cowered in fear. Trevor, yells with a threatening tone, "Argghh! Open the door or they'll get worse than hurt!" then he roughly kicks down the door after one of the victims buzzed the door open. I stood there, watching Trevor as he whips the victim with his carbine rifle to the head as he falls to the floor, going unconscious for a few seconds. I then rushed into the room, "Hands behind your back!" I threatened the victim who got knocked in the head, he mumbled, "Come on sir we're giving you everything you want!" I ignored him, then proceeded to aim my carbine at the other hostages and I spoke angrily, "Don't even think about it!" and lead the hostages into the other room. Whilst doing so, T went and put the planned explosives onto the vault's door. Trevor, sprinting back in, directed me that they were on, and for me to detonate the charges. Shouting,"I'm making the call!" then I pull out my phone and call it in. All of a sudden, a loud bang can be heard throughout the whole building. Me and Trevor rushed to the vault, whilst Brad stayed and watched the hostages. We rushed in and started filling the bags with a large take at around 180,000 dollars. My hands were shaking violently, adrenaline rushing and making my heart pump fast; I didn't realise how nervous I was...
Trevor ran out of the vault and I followed, however, I felt a strong force behind me. It was one of the men who worked here, I assumed. He latched onto me tightly, gripping me, whilst holding a gun to my head. He then yanked my balaclava off, then stated in a panicked tone, "I saw your face, I'll remember you" my eyes darted behind me, looking at him, and calmly spoke, "You forget a thousand things everyday. How bout you make sure this is one of em?" My favorite Vinewood movie quote, and what a perfect opportunity to use it. I quickly looked at Trevor for a brief few seconds until I hear a loud, obnoxious ringing in my right ear, realising Trevor has shot him straight in the head. "FUCK! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO THAT!" My hand reaching up to my right ear, not being able to hear, did Trevor make me fucking deaf?! "Let's get going! There'll be time for grieving later!" Trevor stated whilst dashing around the corner. I then remembered what's going to happen... so I spoke in return, "Yeah, you got that right."

Brad following behind us, we all took cover and put an explosive charge onto the door. BANG! After that, we realised the LSPD had surrounded the entire building, pushing us to have to shoot each and everyone of them.

Soon after we reached the driveway, we noticed the getaway car and dashed towards it, and we all got in. We hired some cheap, random driver, it didn't matter who it was. As long as he did the job that's all we need.

We started speeding down the freezing, snowy roads of Ludendorff. Brad then speaks up with an egotistical tone, "Did you see that?! I fuckin' put that bitch's face against the glass" I rolled my eyes and sarcastically replied, "Yeah you're a real stallion!" then I heard Trevor in the back trying to shut him up, "BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH!" his eyebrows furrowed with anger and he then turned, looked out the window, seeing the LSPD catching up. I shouted, "FUCK! How'd that happen?" then I heard Trevor breaking the glass with his elbow then shooting at the police with his carbine rifle. One of the policeman's shots had hit the driver in the head. I cursed under my breath, pushed him out of the car and took the wheel whilst Trevor dealt with the police.
"FUCK YOU TOO!". I cried out in anger, whilst shoving my car into theirs which lead them to crash into a nearby tree.

After a while of driving, I ended up hitting the train and almost missing making it across the railway tracks. Our car smashed and crashed into the tree that was nearby.
"Fuck, Jesus! You guys alright?" I muttered to the duo that was sitting in the back.
"Fuck the car, we can go this way to the chopper-" Trevor stated with a cusp of a breath as he was strolling another way.
Knowing the deal with Dave would fail if that happened, I yelped, "No hey, We stick to the fucking plan! Come on!" Trevor shook his head but started walking with me to where his death was about to come. Or so I thought.

We were walking to our destination point where Dave was stationed a few metres away, waiting with his sniper rifle. He was about to shoot Trevor until Brad started walking in front of him, saying, "I'll check around back", and took the shot for him. "ARGH!" Brad screamed in agony. FUCK! HE PROMISED ME IT WOULDN'T GO WRONG...


"RUN!! IT'S THE FUCKING FEDS!" I started screaming at the top of my lungs whilst taking cover nearby. FUCK!! THEY FUCKING SHOT BRAD! IF I FIND THE MOTHERFUCKER WHO SHOT HIM, THEIR DEATH WILL SOON BE UPON THEM! My mind was filled with chaotic thoughts, I couldn't fucking calm down. HOW COULD I?

Michael looked at me, visibly panicked, "Fuck! Brad's gonna be fine, we need to get the fuck out of here!"

Then, my worst fucking nightmare happened.

Michael got shot.

"ARGH! FUCK I GOT HIT!" Michael yelled out in pain.

My vision became blurry, my eyes began to fill with tears, my hands were shaking and twitching. I can't fucking believe this. Someone must've talked to the fucking feds. Surely this wasn't meant to happen, was it? WAS IT? Fuck, he's going to die. Isn't he?

"Argh!! T, you gotta get out of here" Michael looked at me directly in my eyes. No, fuck him! Fuck him! I ain't going to just abandon him! After everything we've been through? I... I fucking love that man! I'm not going to... JESUS FUCK!

"Ain't gonna leave ya Mikey!" I yelled out to him, with a serious tone, letting him know I wasn't going to abandon him. One thing about me you might not know is that I value loyalty over anything else. Fucking betray me? You'll never fucking hear from me again. I abhor people who can't be loyal, especially to friends of years.

Michael holds his chest area where he got shot, screaming in agony, "Fuck! I'm gonna fucking bleed out... GO T!"

My eyes began to leak tears, I shut my eyes tight and turned my head, very fucking pissed that it came to this. WHY DIDN'T THE FAT FUCK LISTEN TO ME? WE SHOULD'VE WENT MY WAY! Fuck Michael... Fuck!

I began to try to shoot ALL of the LSPD around me, realising I couldn't take all of those nasty fucks by myself, I ran and ran and ran far into the distance. I can't believe I've left them.

They can't be dead... Can they?

"I said I was never going to leave you, didn't I?"Where stories live. Discover now