My First Date With A Man...

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Oh Fuckin' A, was I nervous. A few hours ago, Trevor asked me on a date, and I said yes. But I've never been on a date with a man before... I mean, I guess I was bicurious in high school. I ended up kissing a boy on my football team. But that's all that ever happened between us, and thank God for that honestly. But with Trevor? This was different than just a stupid school kiss. I truly felt these... feelings for T. This is my first date with a man... I'm really feeling the nerves as I button up my white shirt, then I slip on a black vest top with my grey blazer and suit pants. I put on a black tie, something I don't do often. I buckle on a belt to look smart and I put on my black leather shoes. I look in the mirror and comb my slicked back hair, then putting on expensive cologne from Ponsonbys.
I think I look good enough, I hope.
I came out of my bedroom to find Trevor surprisingly well dressed. He was wearing a black suit with black leather shoes, and smoke aviators. I giggled as I looked at him, he looked amazing.
He turned to see me and he started blushing like crazy.
"Woah, okay there, T?" I laughed as he covers his face. "Yeah! Just peachy Mikey." he coughs nervously "Heh, you look good!" I return the compliment and he smiles like crazy.
I knock on the kids' doors and tell them I'm going out. They reply with "Okay dad" as I also told them there's money for pizza downstairs as we'll be going to a bar.

20 minutes later they arrive at a restaurant with a bar attached

Trevor pulled up to the restaurant's parking lot as he pulled up the handbrake on the car. He looked at me and smiles, "You ready, sugartits?" I laugh, "Of course, T"
We both exit the car, and whilst walking to the entrance, Trevor grabs my hand and holds it tight, I began feeling my cheeks flush up as I smile at him.
The waitress at the door standing behind a podium smiles at us and gives us a warm welcome
"Good evening gentlemen! How can I serve you tonight?"
Trevor speaks politely, "A table for two, please"
"Of course, follow me sirs!"
We began following the woman, still holding hands as she sits us at a table. I could feel glares on us, and panic sets in.
"I'll be back with menus!" She nods and grabs us menus, and gives them to us.
We both thank her and look at the menu.
Trevor noticed something was up and asked, "Honey, you okay?"
This sent butterflies throughout my whole body.
"Yeah I'm okay T, just, I've never been... I guess open in front of other people with another man before" I spoke softly as I feel a glare at us from the table behind. Trevor noticed I was staring and turned around.
"Uh, excuse me, can you leave me and my partner alone please? Yes, gay people exist, thank you very much" The couple that Trevor sarcastically spoke to were shocked, their jaws dropped and looked embarrassed. I even heard people at other tables laughing. God, I love this man.
"Fuck, sorry Mikey, we aren't even official and I called you my partner" he looked flustered
"Heh, it's alright T! Thank you for that though that was funny as fuck" I giggled and so did he
The waitress came back over and we placed an order.
"Hello sirs are you ready to order?" she spoke with a quiet but polite manner
"Yes, can we please have two pints of whiskey to start us off? Then for a main we'll have the steak with vegetables, medium rare for him and I'll have well done. Anddd a side of fries please. You want anything else, darling?" Trevor looked at me whilst saying this, I stuttered and said "Uh no I think I'm okay thank you"
"Okay thank you sirs I'll bring over your drinks now" she walks away quietly
I had no idea Trevor could be so... like... gentle. It was kinda sweet, actually.
"I didn't know you could be a gentleman, sweetheart" I joked
"Oh shush this is different" he snickers, he continues saying "That waitress is so nice isn't she?" I agreed with him "Yeah! That's rare in LS" we both laughed and talked about life and how things were, I especially asked him about Ron and Wade some more.
Then, all of a sudden, I look to the entrance and see Franklin and Lamar coming in, I did a hand motion and brought them over.
"Who's these people, honey?" Trevor said a bit nervously
"Oh this is the kid I was telling you about! Franklin and this is Lamar right?"
"You got that right homie, name's Lamar Davis, LD, you know what I'm sayin?" said Lamar with a hint of ego
"Shut the fuck up dawg damn." Franklin laughed, "So, this is Trevor? Wassup, name's Franklin."
"Yeah nice to meet you, homie" Trevor smirked, laughing
"Haha so what you guys here as a couple or what?" Lamar spoke up, laughing
"Lamar the fuck it ain't none of yo damn business bitch" Franklin snapped back
"Actually heh yeah kid forgot to tell ya. We're on a date, taking it slow" I murmured quietly
"Oh shitttt dawg! I didn't know you was- fuck" Franklin exclaimed "Well I'm happy for you dawg shit!" He patted me on the back with a smile, I smiled back
"I TOLD YOU BIATCH! GIVE ME MY 50 DOLLARS" Lamar shouted but quietly, as he didn't want to get kicked out the restaurant
Trevor looked at me, eyes wide, then at Lamar "YOU GUYS PLACED A BET?"
"Fuck yeah bitch, ever since Franklin told my ass about you guys I fuckin knew dawg I knew you get me?" Lamar laughs "But nah dawg I'm happy for you too. If only Franklin could get over fucking Tanisha bitch ass we could find him a girl"
I laughed, "So you guys aren't here on a date?"
They both laugh nervously but Lamar speaks up "Fuck no bitch the fuck? We best friends from the hood you know what I'm sayin?" Franklin rolls his eyes.
"I mean if Franklin likes dudes too that's nun my business you get me but you know I'll support my brotha"
"Aw, thanks, asshole" Franklin laughs, but pauses
"Wait Mike... What the fuck happened with Amanda if you're with Trevor?"
I looked at Trevor and he spoke for me, "Fucking was cheating on him behind his back, so I stole her man"
I choked on my whiskey and laughed, causing the others to laugh.
"FUCK! THAT WENT UP MY NOSE SHIT!" I said as I wiped my nose

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