The Night Before...

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It was 2004 on a chilly, cold night in Ludendorff, North Yankton. The three criminals were holding refuge in a hotel nearby, preparing for the cash depot job the next day, but one of those criminals was particularly nervous...


Sitting on the edge of the hotel bed, I sighed heavily. My right hand coming up to rub my forehead, holding my head down, trying to release the nervous energy I was feeling, whilst my left hand was gripping the bedsheet tightly. Did I really make that deal with that... stupid corrupt FIB agent? Dave Norton? I sighed again, but this time with frustration. I know I made that deal in the best interest for my family but... the realisation hit me that I won't ever see Trevor or Brad again. Trevor Philips and Brad Snider. My two running buddies for the past few years. Originally, it was just me and Trevor, pulling small pathetic jobs such as liquor stores, small banks, and so on, but it still made us money. Trevor found Brad somewhere along the lines and invited him in to our group. I made this deal because my family are currently living in a trailer park, my wife, Amanda is a fucking whore on the streets, as she is a stripper at a local strip club, plus I have a young son and daughter called Jimmy and Tracey... I can't keep them living like that, plus all I hear from Amanda is how Trevor is a fucking psychopath and that I "don't care about my family" and that my life of crime is "going to get the whole family killed one day". I DO care about my family, fuckin' A right I do! Honestly, I felt hurt and it pained to hear that each time I come home, so I promised Amanda a better life. I promised that I would fake my death, Dave Norton would be known for "killing the famous Michael Townley", we would change our last name and move to a better place called Los Santos, in a much better home. Obviously when I told her, she wasn't happy, but when the fuck is Amanda happy? Can't she see I have no choice here? It's the only way to get out of this life of crime... I know Trevor or Brad won't be happy, but I need out. I have a family to take care for, I'm sure they won't mind too much, right?

All of a sudden, the door slammed open wide and smacked the wall behind it, which made me jump and flinch. My hands coming up, shook, I turned around and saw Trevor making his grand entrance like usual. For fucks sake... Why now?!

"HEYYYY MIKEYYYY!" Trevor shouted and exclaimed, waving his arms in the air, walking towards the side of the bed I was on, and stood over me.

"Fuck... YOU SCARED THE FUCK OUT OF ME, T!" I accidentally snapped and yelled without meaning too. I took a deep breath and exhaled, looking away, trying not to maintain eye contact. I can't let him know about it. I can't.

"WOAH HEY SUGARTITS WHAT'S WITH THE ATTITUDE HUH?" Trevor's eyebrows furrowed, his pitch raised, his tone dropped and his palms were held out, trying to show his offence to my tone. He kneels down and sits beside me. He took a heavy breath, lifted a finger up to scold me, but as he was going to speak again, he noticed I was holding in my tears.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck!

"Woah hey... M... I uh... Fuck I don't..." I cut Trevor off before he finishes, "It's fine, Trevor" I lifted my hand up to wipe my tears away, in reality, I was shit scared of losing Trevor. But how do I fucking say that without being all sappy and shit?

"Um..." Trevor mumbled, starting to fidget with his hands, then rubbing the back of his neck. I knew he wasn't good with words and comforting, he wasn't that type of guy.

"Are you..." Trevor starts speaking, his tone lowered to a comforting one, which is rare for Trevor, trying to look at me in my eyes, but my eyes fail to meet his. All of a sudden, Trevor puts an arm around me. My heart starts racing and thumping... why is this happening? However, I find comfort in him, and I'm too tired to give a shit, so I let it slide.

Trevor continues, "Are you scared of the cash depot job? Is it... your wife? Come on man, I'm not heartless" he snickers and laughs softly, "You can talk to me, man."

My eyes tightened shut as a few tears spilled out. I opened them again to meet Trevor's gaze. I took a breath before speaking.

"Fuck fine yes okay! I'm shit scared of losing you Trevor! I'm scared if this cash depot job goes wrong and the wrong guy gets killed! I can't take it hearing fucking... Amanda talk shit to me everyday saying I'm the one wrong in this relationship while she's out there... pounding 10 guys at once!" Trevor laughs at this, and honestly, I did too. We both lightly giggle, until Trevor starts to get serious and takes a breath.

"Listen Mikey, I ain't leavin ya. You know that, don't you? And fuck Amanda, if she's going to bitch at you all the time you shouldn't put up with that shit. Me and Brad will always be here, fuck even Lester the Molester!" I giggle at this, this was Trevor's silly nickname for my friend, Lester. Lester Crest. I met him on a job ages ago, he's a very intelligent hacker and heist planner, however, he refused to help us plan the cash depot job, says we shouldn't do it. But this is my only way out of this.

"Thank you... T. That uh, means a lot to me." I smiled weakly and looked into Trevor's eyes, he smiled back at me and patted my back. "Oh yeah, speaking of Lester..." he started to get up off the bed whilst ranting, "He started fucking yabbing to me on the phone, saying we shouldn't do the job blehblehbleh! He can go fuck himself, stupid...twat!" Again, I snickered. "So... What did you say?" I smiled, curious, but knowing Trevor would say something... inappropriate or aggressive. "OH! I just... ya know... threatened him..." he giggled nervously, clearly hiding something. I shook my head and laughed. "Of course you did, T"

A while after Trevor left the hotel room, going to check on Brad, I put my hands on my knees and lifted myself up. I started walking over to the dresser, which had bags of our supplies next to it for tomorrows job. Guns, masks, ammo, explosive charges and so on. I did a check and made sure everything is in there, and everything was sitting perfectly. I sighed of relief, however, my pocket started vibrating with a ringtone I was familiar with.
I pulled my phone out and answered without checking who it was.
M: "Townley."
Dave Norton: "Michael. You still going through with this?"
M: "Ah fuck, ah yeah I am. Dave, what if this goes wrong? Promise me it won't."
Dave Norton: "Of course it won't, don't worry. I'll take Trevor out, and lock up Brad in the Federal Penitentiary. That's our plan, right?"
M: "Fuck I don't know Dave, I have my doubts. I'll be known as a fucking traitor if this goes wrong, my family? They'll hate me for this."
Dave Norton: "Stop your worrying, Michael. I've got this. Now get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow."
M: "Right. Okay."

I hang up the phone, and held my head in shame.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

"I said I was never going to leave you, didn't I?"Where stories live. Discover now