What Happened Overnight?...

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I don't remember anything last night, except for Amanda leaving. I still can't fucking believe that happened... Fuck me.
I woke up on the couch and realised I was cuddled up next to T. Without waking him, I slowly got up and checked the time, 14:30 pm
Holy fuck, we slept for ages.
I stretched and yawned and I made my way to the bathroom before I was stopped by Jimmy, he spoke softly, "Hey dad... you okay? With like, mum and stuff?" I turned away for a second then looked back, "Honestly Jim, I don't know. I mean, I have Trevor now which makes me feel better but your mum... sigh I really don't know." I spoke with hurt in my voice.
"Aw well I'm here if you need me dad, or whatever, I hate sappy shit" before he starts walking downstairs, I thanked him. He has no idea how much it means to me.
I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror washing my face before I looked closely at my neck and collarbones, I noticed red markings then I realised... those were hickeys.
I let out a scream waking up Tracey, then her rushing into the bathroom, her laughing at me. "DAD OH MY GOD!" I quickly shushed at her, telling her Trevor is asleep. Did Jimmy fucking notice?!
"HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN?" Tracey spoke to me, still laughing
"Did Uncle T have any? I need to post about this on Bleeter!" Tracey giggled
"I'm taking the piss, dad don't worry! You should check Uncle T for any" she laughs as she walks away to her room
Fuck, I should.
I walked back down stairs and I noticed Trevor was awake. I need to keep these hidden...
"Afternoon sugartits!" beamed Trevor before he started looking at my neck area, before his face went bright red like a tomato and laughed
He asked to see them so I took off my shirt, and I realised there were also many on my stomach and v-line.
My face went bright red also, I started to sweat
"Trevor did we... " I asked shocked
"No... No we didn't go all the way. I remember. You said you needed time. So we did that but I don't even remember us kissing. We just stuck on a horror movie then you made the move, I kinda enjoyed it Mikey!" Trevor giggled before winking at me.
"I... Made the move? So you have them too?"
Trevor proceeds to remove his shirt as I gasped. He was covered from his neck to the v-line as well.
"FUCK T! I don't even remember what happened..." I giggled nervously
"I didn't even know I felt like that towards you..." I muttered
"Heh, you definitely do Mikey! To be honest I rarely remember it too, butttt, I made us breakfast so we can talk about the past a bit... You know? "
Oh fuck yeah, I still have to explain North Yankton and all that shit.

We sat down for breakfast, eggs and bacon, and talked for a while. I told him about the deal and Brad, and everything that's happened since.

Trevor looked angry, I could tell, he was trying to keep it in, he took a big, deep breath before speaking. "Wow. Fuck. Right. Okay. I can forgive you, Michael. Just because it was years ago, and right now, you need me. You don't have anyone else to support you, I mean mentally. You're fucked. I know you see a shrink but even at that, I want to help you. You can't say no. Or else." he snickers as he continues eating. I took a sigh of relief "Haha, okay T if you say so." "But Michael... There's something I need to tell you" Trevor softly spoke, looking serious. "Of course Trevor... What's wrong?"
My heart shattered into a thousand pieces.
He explained to me how years ago, he had been admitted to hospital for a suicide attempt. He had overdosed heavily, and had to stay in hospital for a while.
"Yeah... Ron found me, next to the toilet, I remember I couldn't stop throwing up hah-" Trevor stopped rambling as soon as he saw my face. It was soaked with tears. "Fuck Mikey fuck! I just- no... Fuck! I just-"
"Trevor... please, tell me if you feel like that, EVER, okay? My worst fucking fear is finding you like that."
Trevor nods his head silently

I tried to change the subject, and wiped my tears away "So what's happened with you then T? Met anybody interesting?" I asked him, then he says "Ehhh not really. Only Ron and Wade. Before this I used to live in Sandy Shores, near the Alamo Sea. I run Trevor Philips Enterprises, which is my international drug and weapons trader business!" Trevor smiled widely, he looks proud of himself, so I smile too, happy that he's happy. "Well I'm glad you're happy T!" I say as I stand up and take both of our plates to the sink. Trevor turns around in his seat, "Hey M?" he asks quietly
"Yeah T? What's up?" as I stand and wash the dishes
Trevor slowly stands up and comes behind me, pulling me in for a hug with his arms around my waist, holding my stomach. Due to the shock and the nerves I was feeling, I accidentally dropped a glass. "Fuck..." I say silently. Trevor sets in with panic, "Are you okay?! Shit!" then I reassure him that I'm okay, "I didn't cut myself or anything don't worry. What were you going to ask, Trev?"
"Well... Uh... Fuck how do I say this?" he waits a little before he continues again.
"I was wondering... Michael, if you would like to go on..." he starts fumbling on his words, so I turn to face him. This makes him more nervous as he looks away quickly. He then hands me a note that he wrote, curious, I opened it and noticed very crooked handwriting which I giggled at.

My smile widened and my cheeks became flushed

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My smile widened and my cheeks became flushed. I began laughing
"HEY DON'T LAUGH! I wrote it last night incase I got nervous... SO YES OR NO, PORKCHOP?"
I hugged him and held tight onto his waist before looking up at him, giving him my answer.

"Yes, Acid cock. I would love too."

"I said I was never going to leave you, didn't I?"Where stories live. Discover now