Nightmares and New Determination

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*Warning: This contains slight gore. Please proceed with caution! If you are not comfortable with this, then I advise you to either skip over it the gory bit. The story will be just fine without it, but I wanted to explain the nightmare. :) Thanks for reading!*


You woke up in your room, but everything was different. Your room was a mess. The walls had black streaks painted on them. There were some messages written on the walls as well. 'Die!' 'I hate you!' 'I never wanted you!' As you read the words, they seemed to echo throughout your mind. Not just an any echo, though. The words seemed to be taunting you. The more you read them, the worse you felt. 'No one will ever want you!' 'You're worthless!' You began panicking.

"No... No... No it's not true! No... Please stop...." You mumbled, covering your ears and turning around and around to read all of the words. They seemed to be multiplying, along with the black streaks. Your hands did nothing to stop the haunting voices in your head. If anything, they grew louder. 'Useless!' 'Strange!' 'What's wrong with you?' 'God, you're ugly!' 'You have no friends!' You curled up onto the floor, rocking back and forth. And then, it all stopped.

You looked up to see that your room was completely painted in black, but the words written in red were gone, along with the voices. You shakily got to your feet, thinking it was over with. You were far from right. You looked towards the doorway to try and escape your horrible room. Your eyes immediately widened, filling with tears. You backed away, finally giving up and completely letting your emotions play across your face, despite who was standing in front of your door with a knife in her hand.

"No... No, please... I'll do anything! Please!" You begged, tears slipping out of your eyes and streaking down your face. Your mother didn't even blink at your begging. Her insane grin grew wider as she made her way closer to you, without a word. You whimpered, backing away from her, until she finally had you cornered.

"P-Please..." You begged one last time, barely even able to speak you were crying so hard. Her only response was an evil laugh, and then the knife came down, again and again. Her knife was like the words from earlier. They didn't affect you at all the first couple of times, and then they slowly began to progress into something painful and twisted that began hurting more and more. Before you even realized it, you were bloody and dismantled, an arm here and a leg there. Finally she drove the knife directly into the area around where your heart was. You screamed. She didn't actually puncture the organ, but that seemed to be even more painful than if she would have killed you right then and there. You watched your blood ooze out of your wounds. It dripped down to the floor and began pooling, thick and red. There was more splattered on the walls from when she had struck you repeatedly with the knife. She began moving the knife around inside of your chest. You screamed again, this time longer and more pleading. 

Suddenly, the pain grew so immense that your vision flashed white. You weakly opened your eyes, sweat dripping down your body from tensing up with pain. Your mother held your beating heart in her hand. And it wasn't a heart-shaped heart. It was about as real as it got. You watched helplessly as she gripped your heart with both of her hands, a murderous smirk planted on her face. She began ripping it in half. Blood sputtered out of it and all over the walls and the floor, flying through the air. But you really didn't notice that. You could only hear your screaming.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP!!! STOP!!! AHHH!!! GOD!!!!" And the pain didn't end there, even as your life literally bled out of you. Your vision went black, but something still stuck in your head. The lingering image of your mother's smirk was the only thing that consumed your mind as you regained consciousness.

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